RentRoom- 3D Regions

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

 In the meantime this version is approved you can download the other on spigot


Allows you to create tridimensional room with WorldEdit selection that can be buyed or rented. The plugin works with all Vault supported economy systems, requires Vault and WorldEdit to work.

With this plugin you can sell or rent different regions that can be one above the other like the flors of a skyscraper.



  1. Put RoomRent.jar in your plugins directory.
  2. Do a /reload to reload your plugin or restart the server.
  3. Configure your permissions if needed. 



  • - allow to create and edit Rooms and Offers, default for OPs
  • - allow to rent/buy a Room, default true
  • - allow to rent/buy a Room with the command "/RoomRent buy" , default false
  • roomrent.sign - allow to create and destroy plugin's signs, default for OPs
  • roomrent.NPC - allow to create and remove plugin's NPC, default for OPs


Create a Room

  1. Select an area with WorldEdit selection than use /RoomRent room create <RoomName>
  2. Select a spawn for the room with /RoomRent room setSpawn <RoomName> (it use your position as spawn)
  3. Save the Room with /RoomRent room save <RoomName>

Change editable blocks

By default in the owned Room a player is allowed only to edit block that at first were AIR, you can add more editable block with

 /RoomRent room setEditable <roomName> <BlockType/BlockId> <true/false>

 For example

 /RoomRent room setEditable room1 DIRT true

make the dirt block editable in the room "room1", and

 /RoomRent room setEditable room2 12 false

make the sand block (with id #0012) uneditable in the room "room2"


(Note: a player can always remove a block that he has placed, and place all blocks where at first there was AIR so in a normal use you don't have to use this function)


This change have to be saved with /RoomRent room save <RoomName>


(Note: normally you don't have to use this function)


 Insert new offers for the Room

 For the same Room there can be a maximum amount of 8 purchase/rent options, you can add a new one with

 /RoomRent room addOffer <roomName> <cost> <Days/Minutes/Hours/Unlimited> [duration]

 For example

 /RoomRent room addOffer room1 500 Days 3

add an offer to rent the Room "room1" for 3 days with a cost of 500$, and

 /RoomRent room addOffer room2 3000 Unlimited

add an offer to buy the Room "room2" with a cost of 3000$,


Insert the room group

 You can insert the Room in a group with

 /RoomRent room setGroup <roomName> <groupName>

groups can be used with sign and NPCs to see all the offers for more Rooms together, a group can't have the same name of a Room.



Create a RoomRent sign

  1. : [RoomRent]
  2. : <roomName/groupName>
  3. : unused/any
  4. : unused/any

Right click on the sign show all the offers for the Room or room group, only with "roomrent.sign" permission you can remove it.

You can use color codes on lines 3 and 4.



Create a NPC

Right click on a NPC show all the offers for the Room or room group, only with "roomrent.NPC" permission you can remove it.

 To create a new one:

/RoomRent NPC create <RoomName/GroupName> <entityType> [NPCName]

For example

 /RoomRent NPC create room1 villager Uno

create a Villager NPC named "Uno" that, with right click on it, show the Offers for the Room "room1". The created NPC has same location, item in hand and armor (if the entity can wear an armor) that the player wear when he created it.

The supported entityType are

  • zombie
  • skeleton
  • pigzombie
  • villager
  • blaze
  • creeper
  • witch


Config Options

  • Prefix: prefix of all plugin messages and it is showed in the sign's first line.
  • TimeFormat: by default "Dd Hh Mm", "D" is replaced with the amount of days, "H" with hours and "M" with minutes.
  • ResetExpiredRoom: if "true" after the rent is expired the Room reset itself.
  • OverriteCommands: by default contains the subsection

home: rent home

then when a player run the command "/home" the command processed by the server is "/rent home". You can add more subsection or remove it.



Message Configuration

  • All messages that are sent to a player can be changed by editing your "config.yml" in the 'Messages' section.
  • Between the name of the field and the contents you should be able to figure out which is which.
  • Sentences that seem to just end will probably have the value placed there.

Change Language

  • Get a the translated "config.yml" here.
  • Sobstitute the "config.yml" in the RoomRent folder in plugins folder with the downloaded one.
  • Do a /reload to reload your plugin or restart the server. 



  • /RoomRent: see your rent options
  • /RoomRent buy <roomName> [offerID]: rent/buy a Room (without offerID show all the offers)
  • /RoomRent home: teleport to your Room spawn
  • /RoomRent autorenew <true/false>: enable or disable the autorenew when the rent expired
  • /RoomRent leave: leave your Room
  • /RoomRent info,help [page]: list of all commands (show only those the player can use) 
  • /RoomRent room create,createRoom <RoomName>:  create a new Room with a WorldEdit selection
  • /RoomRent room spawn,setSpawn <roomName>:  set your position as Room spawn
  • /RoomRent room deleteRoom,delete <roomName>: delete the Room
  • /RoomRent room save <roomName>: save the Room, all the changes in the Room's configuration have to be saved
  • /RoomRent room setGroup <roomName> <groupName>: set a Group for a Room
  • /RoomRent room removeGroup <roomName>: remove the Room's group
  • /RoomRent room setArea <roomName>: set the area of the Room with the WorldEdit selection, need to save next the Room
  • /RoomRent room setEditable <roomName> <BlockType/BlockId> <true/false>: set a block editable in the Room, AIR is by default true, need to save next the Room
  • /RoomRent room addOffer <roomName> <Days/Minutes/Hours/Unlimited> <cost> [duration]: add a offer for the Room
  • /RoomRent room offers <roomName>: see and manage all offers for the Room 
  • /RoomRent NPC removeNPC: remove nearest NPC
  • /RoomRent NPC create,createNPC <RoomName/GroupName> <entityType> [NPCname]: create an NPC


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 1, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Apr 1, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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