

What is RentingCraft

Always had the feeling like you found some diamond ore and you wished you could rent someones pickaxe with the looting enchantment? Well then RentingCraft will help you. RentingCraft is a plugin that adds a system to rent your tools, armor or other stuff with usages to other players and get paid for it.

This plugin requires Vault. Click here to download Vault


  • /rent: use this to open the rent gui and find tools or other stuff you can rent.


  • /offer: use this to add one of your tools to the renting system.

permission: RC.offer

  • /price: use this to set a price after running /offer.

permission: RC.offer

  • /myoffer: use this to see what offers you are running and stop offers.

permission: RC.offer


  • Server owners can decide what items can be rented.
  • Server owners can decide what language the plugins uses if supported (translations needed).
  • Uses the Essentials economy system as economy base.
  • People who rent stuff can decide the price.
  • You can rent per usage and pay per usage.
  • Stuff can only be rented by one player at the same time.
  • Saves Enchantments.
  • Saves durability.
  • Rented items cannot be dropped, moved out of inventory and will stay in the inventory after death
  • more to come soon.


  1. Download the plugin jar on the side and place it in the plugin folder of your server.
  2. Make sure Vault and a supported Economy plugin are also installed on the server!
  3. Reload or restart the server
  4. Setup all the files as explained bellow
  5. Do a reload/restart again
  6. Plugin ready to be used



This file stores all the basic settings. At the moment it is a very short list

  • Settings.Enabled: if this is set to true the plugin will be enabled and users can run the command. if set to false the plugin will load but players cannot run any commands.
  • Settings.Language: This tells the plugin what language file to use. More info in the language part.
  • Settings.AutoPrice: This is the price the plugin uses as automatic price when a player adds a tool but doesn't set a price.
  • Settings.Currency: This is the currency symbol the plugin needs to use. (Preffered to be the same as the essentials settings).


This file contains a list of all the items supported by the plugin. You will see that default all items are set to true. If you set the value to false players cannot rent/offer these items on the server. !! Don't delete any line because this will break the plugin. If you accidentally did this delete the file and restart/reload the server and the plugin will restore the default file !!


This file will save the most important part of the plugin. You have two main sections and an info section:

  • Info section: This will just store the next ID the plugin has to take when someone adds a new offer
  • Tools section: This will store all the offers and the needed info ordered by the type of item.
  • Players section: This will save all the ID + Type of item a player is offering


These are all the language files the plugin supports. To say the plugin what file to use you have to set Settings.Language in the config.yml file to the two letters indicated after the "_". For example you want to use the English language file called Messages_EN.yml you have to set Settings.Language to "EN". If you set this wrong or a to a language that doesn't exist the plugin will load the English file.


The plugin is made as easy as possible although it is a very complicated system. I used as much GUI's as I could to make it as easy as possible for the players to use the plugin.

Offer GUI


HOW TO OPEN: By running the command /offer

PURPOSE: GUI to let the player select the item he wants to offer by placing the item in the free slot in the top inventory.


  • EYE_OF_ENDER: This item has to be clicked to confirm the offer.
  • STAINED_GLASS_PANE: Just to fill the slots so the player places the item he wants to offer in the correct slot.
  • COMPASS: This item has to be clicked to close the menu.

SetPrice GUI


HOW TO OPEN: By running the command /price

PURPOSE: GUI to let the player set the price for the item he just offered.


  • FIRST SLOT: Item that the player just offered and is setting the price of
  • GOLD: This item displays the current price for the item
  • EMERALD: This item adds 1 to the price of the item
  • EMERALD_BLOCK: This item adds 5 to the price of the item
  • REDSTONE: This item removes 1 from the price of the item
  • REDSTONE_BLOCK: This item removes 5 from the price of the item
  • COMPASS: This item has to be clicked to close the menu.

SelectTool GUI


HOW TO OPEN: By running the command /rent

PURPOSE: GUI that show all the items that can be rented/offered on the server


  • FIRST 45 SLOTS: Item that can be offered/rented on the server. By clicking one the player will see all available items of that kind.
  • COMPASS: This item has to be clicked to close the menu.
  • PAPER: This item has to be clicked to view next/previous page.

RentTool GUI



HOW TO OPEN: By clicking an item in the ToolSelect GUI

PURPOSE: GUI that show all the available items for the item the player just clicked


  • FIRST 45 SLOTS: Items available of that kind. By clicking a player chooses that item to rent.
  • GOLD_INGOT: Show the amount of money a player has.
  • COMPASS: This item has to be clicked to close the menu.
  • PAPER: This item has to be clicked to view next/previous page.

AmountUsesSelect GUI



HOW TO OPEN: By clicking an item in the RentTool GUI

PURPOSE: GUI that allows player to choose amount of uses he wants to rent the item for.


  • FIFTH SLOT: Item the player wants to rent.
  • FIRST GOLD_INGOT: Show the current price of the item
  • SECOND GOLD_INGOT: Show the amount of money a player has.
  • EMERALD: Adds 1 use to the amount of uses.
  • EMERALD_BLOCK: Adds 5 uses to the amount of uses.
  • ENCHANTED_BOOK: Show the amount of uses.
  • REDSTONE: Removes 1 use of the amount of uses.
  • REDSTONE_BLOCK: Removes 5 uses of the amount of uses.
  • EYE_OF_ENDER: Confirms the rent
  • COMPASS: This item has to be clicked to close the menu.

MyTools GUI



HOW TO OPEN: By running the command /myoffer

PURPOSE: GUI that show all the items a player is offering.


  • FIRST 45 SLOTS: Item that a player is offering. By clicking one the player can stop offering that item.
  • COMPASS: This item has to be clicked to close the menu.
  • PAPER: This item has to be clicked to view next/previous page.

StopOffer GUI



HOW TO OPEN: By clicking an item in the MyTools GUI

PURPOSE: GUI that show all the items a player is offering.


  • EYE_OF_ENDER: Item to confirm to stop the offer
  • FIFTH SLOT: Item the player is going to stop offering
  • PLAYER_HEAD: Will only be visible if that item is in rent by an other player.
  • COMPASS: This item has to be clicked to close the menu.

Supported Languages

  • English
  • Dutch

Do you want me to help by translating the messages to other languages? Feel free to contact me!


  • Durability bug on armor and some items.
  • When the last use of an item is used it sometimes doesn't drop the blocks.
  • If you find more bugs make a ticket and explain the bug. (print screens can be helpful).


Do you have more ideas for the plugin? Well feel free to post below, PM me or mail me at: [email protected]


This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

> Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 11, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 11, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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