Extra permission node for creating signs #58

  • Accepted
  • Enhancment
Assigned to phoenix_iv_
  • _ForgeUser10773038 created this issue Aug 14, 2013

    On my server, I allow staff members to create plots via a plugin which allows to restrict the use of it to predefined areas. These regions should be buyable via RegionForSale, so the staff must also be able to create signs for this regions.

    This is currently only possible if they get the regionforsale.admin permission node, what also allows them to use, among others, //rg define. This undermines the restrictions archieved by the other plugin mentioned above.

    I'd suggest adding a regionforsale.signadmin node as a child node of regionforsale.admin, that only allows to create and destroy RegionForSale signs.

  • _ForgeUser10773038 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 14, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ removed a tag New Aug 14, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ added a tag Accepted Aug 14, 2013
  • Phoenix_IV_ posted a comment Apr 17, 2014

    Can you please link the plugin you are talking about? This seems to correlate with 45 - Mayors | regionforsale.admin permission for sub-regions.

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