Unable to Interact within region #123

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  • Defect
Assigned to phoenix_iv_
  • _ForgeUser9757848 created this issue Nov 24, 2015

    I hope I'm not being stupid and this is just me not knowing what I'm doing, but anyway.

    I've been trying to use this plugin and everything works perfectly except one. After renting a region, the player can build and break blocks just as expected and other players are unable to do so. However, when it comes to interacting with items such as doors or pressure plates or beds etc, they do not have permission. The player can break a door, walk through and place it again, but does not have permission to open or close it.

    This is really bugging me and is a huge issue. I have searched around and thought it may have to do with WorldGuard and not this plugin but I can't seem to find any answer for this or anyone else having this issue.

    Please can you help, thanks

  • _ForgeUser9757848 added the tags New Defect Nov 24, 2015
  • Phoenix_IV_ posted a comment Jan 3, 2016

    This should, indeed, be a WordGuard issue. Maybe something is mis-configured. I can only do the same research on this as you...

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