Redstone-Based Block Duplicator

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Redstone Block Duplicator

My Second plugin - block duplicator (for Machine-Tools / Massive Build W/O Console Cheats)

Made as a RedstoneChips Plugin Curcuits Lib

The RedstoneCircuits plugin itself

Current version is 1.7.3 (yes, same as MC =) )

Download Latest Build Here

HowTo Build:

  1. Create a circuit with 2 interface and 1 input block.
  2. Put cobblestone block on the interface you want to use as source for duplication (after circuit is activated, you can replace it with any block you want)
  3. Activate the circuit.
  4. Duplicate blocks :D

P.S. Output interface will place the duplicated block on top of itself so leave a blank space there!!!


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