Importing Prices

Importing Prices

Importing Prices from Minecraft Economy Manager

Minecraft Economy Manager is an Excel sheet which helps the user in setting prices for all possible item. With RealShopping version 0.43 you can import prices direcly from the sheet. It is a bit complicated for now, and much is yet to be improved.

External Libraries

Because Java doesn't parse Excel files by default, you have to download a couple of external libraries.

  1. Download the newest poi-bin zip file from this page
  2. Create a folder named lib in the plugins folder. So the path should be "Server/plugins/lib".
  3. In the zip file there are several files, named something-some numbers. You need those starting with poi, poi-ooxml, poi-ooxml-schemas, xmlbeans and dom4j. Put them in the lib folder and remove the numbers from the file names so you have poi, poi-ooxml...
  4. Now you're done, and the /rsimport command should work
The .xlsx file

The Excel file (only .xlsx works for now) which you want to import prices from should be put either in the main server directory, or the RealShopping directory. Which ever you like. The /rsimport command will detect it.

At last

When you have imported prices you can use them in a store with the /rssetprices defaults command. You need to do it before you reload the server though, because the default prices aren't saved on reload.


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