
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin is not abandoned; it is, however, inactive. I will be releasing a new version that functions with your current version of Minecraft once I have completed myCoreLibrary.

WARNING: This plugin generates lots and lots of log files and stores large amounts of information. Make sure you have the disc space available to hold it all!

This plugin was created to be the most powerful, clever, and brutal anti-griefing plugin ever created for Bukkit. MyGuardDog is like a griefer bloodhound; it can track down even the most clever and devious griefers so that you and your moderators can put them where they belong: on the ban list.

If you're a freebuild server admin like me, you hate griefers. So do I. That's why I use this plugin on my server. When griefing happens, you can figure out who did it, undo the damage, and ban the culprit for good. With this plugin, griefers will no longer abuse you and your server.


This plugin requires another plugin! It's called "myPluginWiki". It is used to store and manage large amounts of Minecraft-related information for plugins like myGuardDog to use. myGuardDog will not work without this plugin!



  • MyGuardDog logs just about every (important) event that occurs on the server into a simple .txt file format in triplicate. Click here to view a complete description of myGuardDog's logging features.


  • As an extension of the logging function, myGuardDog comes with an inspector. Simply turn it on with /insp and if you hit, place, or break a block, myGuardDog will tell you every event that has occurred at that location from the most recent to the latest events. This feature makes it very easy to figure out who griefed a structure. A mystery arsonist burned down someone's log cabin? Just activate the inspector and place a block where one of the burnt logs used to be. One of those events will be something like "On [date] at [time], [arsonist] burned an oak log at [...]" and viola! You have your arsonist! Stick them on the ban list and roll back their hateful griefing actions!

roll back

  • MyGuardDog allows admins to roll back, or undo, almost anything that happens on the server. If a griefer uses T.N.T. to destroy large populated areas, you can use a simple command to make it as if the griefing had never happened. You can also use filters on the roll back to only roll back certain actions. You can filter events to roll back by the cause of the event, the action of that event, the object(s) of the event, and the radius of the area around you that will be rolled back. In other words, you could specify that you only want to roll back events in which DatGr13fer (the cause) burned (the action) some oak leaves (the object) in a 20-block radius around you.


  • MyGuardDog can also automatically lock all chests, doors, and other containers and portals. ("Portals" means blocks that can be opened or closed such as wooden doors, not Nether or End portals). When something is locked, only the person who locked the block and myGuardDog admins can open or close the container or portal.

what makes myGuardDog different

This section is for those of you who might ask a question that sounds like this:

'There are plenty of other plugins with logging and roll back abilities. Why should I choose myGuardDog?'

Here's what myGuardDog has that you won't find anywhere else:

tracking chain reactions

  • When a griefer covers something in lava or sets something on fire, with most other plugins, you would have to manually scour the logs or search around with the inspector trying to find an event where someone lit the first fire or placed the lava source block. With myGuardDog, when someone placed a liquid source block or lights a fire, it tracks all the subsequent events from that action and logs the original cause as the cause of all the others. In other words, myGuardDog follows liquid spread, fire spread, and other chain reactions all the way through and blames the person who started the chain reaction for all the damage. MyGuardDog will go so far as to track T.N.T. as it flies through the air so that it knows who caused the damage of the explosion when the T.N.T. finally explodes. Unlike almost any other plugin, myGuardDog even logs the event when a player breaks a block, which causes another block that was attached to it (like a torch) to break. Most plugins can't do that.

sacrificing disc space for C.P.U. and RAM

  • MyGuardDog requires a lot of space to save all the logs; it saves a lot of data with each new event and it saves each event three different times. (See the logging page for more information.) In return for the large amount of space, however, myGuardDog is quick on the draw and doesn't use up all of your RAM and C.P.U. processor power with its actions.

human-readable logs

  • I work hard to make sure myGuardDog is as easy to use as possible, but just in case something goes wrong or you want to do something that myGuardDog doesn't support, all the log files are more than machine-readable; they're also human-readable! All the events on the server are saved to the logs in .txt files in full, grammatically correct sentences. That means that you can read and understand the logs easily without having to decipher some weird cryptic code.


/insp toggles the inspector.

/rollback (by:[causes]) (a:[actions]) (o:[objects]) (r:[radius]) (or /rb) rolls back the all of the events that fit the parameters given. The parameters can be used to put filters on which events should be rolled back. For example, if you only want the events caused by DatGr13fer and H1sFr13nd, use /rb by:Dat,H1s. All other parameters can be used in the same format: do not use a space after the colon and separate multiple causes, actions, or objects with commas without spaces.

/halt [player] "halts" the player. Halted players cannot move, speak, or use commands.

/unhalt [player] unhalts a player. WARNING: /unhalt has not been programmed yet!!!

permission nodes

myguarddog.inspect allows the use of /insp.

myguarddog.rollback allows the use of /rb.

myguarddog.admin gives the user all of the permissions listed above as well as permission to use /mGD save.

other plugins

  • This is like the Minecraft Bukkit developer's Library of Congress.
  • This super simple plugin has so many features your head may just implode.

source code

^ Click me to go see my source code on GitHub!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 19, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 15, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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