
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


myGroundsKeeper is a tiny little plugin with three main functions:

  • It can repair damage from creepers, Ghasts, and The Wither slowly over time. (In each creeper hole or other damaged area, it will repair one block every 3-9 seconds.
  • It can cancel all Enderman block interactions, which means that Endermen can't randomly move blocks around all over the place.
  • It can check BukkitDev for new versions of itself and automatically download new versions of itself into a folder with the auto-updater function. Then, you can stop your server, put the new version in the plugins folder, and start it back up.


It has only two commands:

Note: "mGK" can be used as an abbreviation for "myGroundsKeeper" in these commands and nothing is case-sensitive.

  • /myGroundsKeeper update checks for new versions of myGroundsKeeper (which you shouldn't really need if you keep the auto-updater on).
  • /myGroundsKeeper update ("on"/"off") turns the auto-updater on or off. I advise leaving it on!

known caveats

It can't differentiate between sand or gravel someone placed in a hole and sand or gravel that fell in from above, so if an explosion happens under sand or gravel and the sand or gravel falls in, it will not repair the ground exactly correctly. This is normally a rare occurrence.

Right now, it can't track what I call "reaction breaks". That's when a block breaks because the block it's attached to breaks. (For example, a creeper explodes and breaks a block of stone, but it also breaks the torch that was attached to the stone.) That means that it doesn't always repair the blocks that are attached to other blocks.

It can't keep track of NBT data. That means that it can restore items, but it can't handle special properties like the words on a sign or rotation and type of head.

It can't handle hanging entities (in other words, paintings and item frames).

If a chest is blown up, all the stuff spills out of it and is not restored when the chest is repaired. If there is no one nearby, that means that the stuff will despawn after a few minutes and be gone forever.


If someone repairs a creeper hole or other damage themselves, no problem. If a creeper blows a hole in a patch of sand and you fill it with diamond blocks (for some strange reason), myGroundsKeeper will leave your diamond blocks alone and just repair any spots you missed. If you stop your server and start it back up, it will continue repairing damage right where it left off. No problem. It tracks not only the I.D.s of broken blocks, but also the data value, so you can be sure that it will repair it just the way it was before that nasty creeper or other mob came along and messed it up.

That's about it. No config files, no complicated setup, no difficult interfaces. Just download the .jar, and stick in your plugins folder and myGroundsKeeper will take care of the rest and keep your server looking sharp.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment or make a ticket. If you want to modify it at all or you're just curious as to how it works, I have published the source code right here on GitHub.


^ Hey, are you looking for a good warping plugin? myUltraWarps was my first plugin. It's been on Bukkit for some time now and it's still running strong. It has tons of cool features and it's very fast and efficient. Click on the link above to check it out.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 20, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Feb 22, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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