Update for Spigot 1.8 + Requests #5

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Assigned to _ForgeUser8780293
  • MithrandirMage created this issue Dec 27, 2014

    Hello :)

    First of all, I think this plugin could take the benefit of an update to the latest Spigot 1.8.
    Allthough It still functions perfectly, I have some requests to ask, that could be added on a 1.8 update for Spigot:

    Silk touch omitting option: Some players on my factions server mine ores whith Silk touch enchanted pickaxes. I suggest for an option to omit Silk touched ores from being counted on the rates, as it confuses me and my moderators, and can lead to unfair expulsions against innocent players suspected for xrays/ore-exploit.
    Ore transaction tracing: This would provably be a difficult feature implementation, so I'm not asking this to be added unless you can think of an efficient, non laggy way, it's just an Idea, and it's less important for me than the previous one.
    Some ill intended players use secondary accounts to hide xrayed ores. Other common methods are hiding ores in enderchest, normal chests, or  other containers. So here is my idea:
    Having an indication alongisde the rates, indicating where the last mined ore ended up. For example: Steve mined 75 emeralds in just 3 hours, he may have not transfered them all to another player/name/account, but the last ore he mined was then thrown at the floor, and picked up/transfered to another player named Notch, which then deposited the 75 emeralds inside a chest.
    In both these cases, the last ore is a good indication of where the emeralds ended up getting to. By having indications like: Steve>Notch>Chest. Alongside the ratings, It's easyer to find where the xrayed emeralds are.

    This may seem a complicated implementation, but it would be really usefull. In any case, it's less important than the silk touch omittion.

    Great job on the plugin, I'm hoping for a near update!

  • MithrandirMage added the tags New Defect Dec 27, 2014
  • MithrandirMage edited description Dec 27, 2014

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