
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

With this plugin, players can with 1 command use money to go up one rank.

This plugin needs the following 3 plugins installed:

  • Permissions (Any permissions plugin supported by Vault (Group Manager seems to only work on some servers), preferably bPermissions)
  • Vault
  • Economy (Any supported by Vault and (important) Vault's bank feature!)

It will not work without those 3 plugins!

The ranking system is based on the tracks.yml file in the bPermissions folder, or by default the tracks.yml file in your RankMeUp plugin folder. Each time a new rank is bought, the player is promoted to the next rank in that file.

In the plugins config file (config.yml), you can set a default cost for players to pay when they wanna rank up. If you wanna be more precise on some of the ranks, or all the ranks, you can give each rank a custom price under 'costs'. Under 'costs' just simply put the rank name, followed by the price. The ranks not defined, will use the default cost. Set "useOwnTrack" to false, if you use bPermissions, as it allows you to use the tracks.yml file in the bPermissions plugin folder instead.

The plugin have 3 command (with a shortcut command).

  • /RankMeUp - Will rank up the player saying it if he has enough money
  • /RankMeUp next - Will show how much money you have, and how much more you need
  • /RankMeUp player <player> - Will rank up the desired player without using any money
  • /RankMeUp help - Will show you the commands with a short description

The shortcut command is /RMU

To allow players to use the RankMeUp command, give them the following permission node:


To allow admins to rank up players without using any money, give them the following permission node:


If you have any questions, please comment or PM me!

This plugin is properbly gonna remain as simple as this, because some people only want this features, and not all the extra stuff.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 30, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 9, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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