
Automatically promote a player's rank

Using either time played or players using a secret phrase.


How to install RankBot

1) Add RankBot to your plugins folder, start your server or /reload your plugins

2) Edit the config.yml file in the RankBot Folder.

3) Reload or restart again for your changes to take effect.

Example Secret Phrase Setting


Phrase0: rank me

FromGroup0: guest

ToGroup0: nomad

Example Timed Hours Played Settings


Hours0: 8

FromGroup0: nomad

ToGroup0: citizen


/rankbot {secret_phrase) - Used for secret phrase promotions.

/rb time - Used by a player to show their time until their last log off, doesn't count current time since logging back on. Requires rankbot.time permission, which is defaulted to false.

/rb time {playername) - Used by admins to either list a player's time since last log off, or lists all players if no name is supplied. Requires rankbot.admin permission, which is defaulted to op.


rankbot.time - Allows the use of the player time command, which reports back to the player their play time since the last logout (not counting current time).

rankbot.admin - Allows the use of admin commands, the only current admin command is the admin version of "/rb time"


RankBot requires Vault and a supported permissions plugin.

Visit the Vault Webpage to see the current list of supported permissions plugins


To make RankBot more efficient the ranking isn't done the moment the time requirement is met, this would require a timed event that would check all player times vs. all the RankBot Times. Instead, a player isn't ranked until the next logon.

The playertime.db file in the RankBot Folder contains the playtime of players (in minutes) since the file was written to disk, this file is only written from memory to the disk file on server stops or plugin reloads.

There are up to 30 Secret Phrases and 30 Timed Hours Played Automatic Ranks


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 25, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 15, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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