
This plugin allows you to give your redstone a random chance of turning on or not!
RandStone = Random Redstone
This plugin is so simple and versatile that it has endless uses but here are a couple: Custom gambling machines that you design and for RPG servers, an are you worthy time machine where they press a button and either die or get a Golden shovel!

Just put the RandStone.jar from the download link in the top right into your plugins folder. Done!

Nothing! No files, no nothing. Super Simple!

In-Game Setup
Your RandStone sign should look something like this:

line1: [RandStone] (not case sensitive)
line2: anything you like (doesn't matter)
line3: the chance it will have of turning on (a positive whole number)
line4: out of how many chances it has to turn on (also a positive whole number)

imagine line 3 and line 4 as a fraction. Line3 being the numerator and Line4 being the denominator.
In other words it would have a Line3/Line4 chance of turning on. (ex. line3 = 3, line4 = 4. 3/4 chance or 75%)

The output will stay on until your input turns off (If your output turned on in the first place of course).

If you did it correctly, and you have permission, it will send you a message saying so. If there was a problem, you will get a message that says what the problem was.

Here's an example of what your sign should look like:
The chance is 3/4 or 75%

Next place a lever on the back of the block the sign is on.
Then connect a redstone wire going into the sign and one coming from the lever.
You're done yay!

Your setup should look like this:


RandStone.create: Allows creation of RandStone signs (Defaults to ops)


There are no commands, I couldn't think of any that you need. If you can think of a useful one, please leave a comment.

Known Bugs

The only known bug is just visual. When you use this plugin the lever that's being used will look a little wierd but it still works! Also, the rest of your levers are fine, it's just the one. I will fix this glitch soon!


Upcoming Features
- Toggle switch to reverse output
- Fix Visual Bug
- Only toggle lever behind sign instead of all levers that are directly 2 block in any (non diagonal) direction from the sign.
-Anything else you guys want!

Feel free to leave comments and things you want me to add. I'll be sure to get to them.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 28, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 16, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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