Since bukkit.org reviews every plugin file and this process takes from one to several days, you may want to get updates from RandomBox page on SpigotMC, where plugin updates become available instantly.
RandomBox adds random boxes (the items that can drop you other random items) to your server.
Random box (or just box) is an enchanted item with custom name and lore (which contains list of names and amounts of items, that can drop).
GitHub source code | SpigotMC plugin page (I'm more active here. Updates are still going to be posted on both sites).
Configuring Plugin
You can read about Randombox configuration at documentation page.
- /givebox <player> <box id>: gives box to player.
- /openbox: opens the box in your hand.
- /randombox, /rb: plugin info.
- /randombox reload: reload config from disk.
- /randombox list: show all boxes in config.
- /randomblock create <box id> <cost or 0>: create a RandomBlock (it will open box gui, when player clicks on it).
- /randomblock remove: remove RandomBlocks
- randombox.*: Allows you to do everything.
- randombox.main: Allows you to use /randombox command.
- randombox.main.reload: Allows you to reload plugin config.
- randombox.openbox: Allows you to open boxes.
- randombox.givebox: Allows you to give boxes.
- randombox.infinitebox: The box will not dissapear after opening (to use this permission, you need to set "useInfinitePermission" to true).
- randombox.open.<box id>: Allows you to open boxe with <id>. Checks, only if value checkPermission in box config set to true.
- randombox.open.*: Allows you to open all boxes. Checks, only if value checkPermission in box config set to true.
- randombox.randomblock: Allows you to create and remove RandomBlocks.
Changelog is available on SpigotMC updates page.
"Unacceptable character '?' (0xFFFD)"
If you are getting this error when server starts, add "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" argument in your server launch script.
Boxes have been parsed, but doesn't open!
Check whether the box id starts with 0. If so, remove these zeros; if not -- write a bug report.
hello,author,how can i hide the description of the item?
Explosion commands, which use TNT dont work as a command gui reward. Creeper explosions do.
It is not essentials issue, i have double checked everything. I can execute the command myself in the game, but not throught that plugin, please fix.
Command i used:
/execute facing entity DeadlyTruth feet run summon minecraft:tnt ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:0}
In reply to Forge_User_24280137:
Ok i fixed it myself.
the command looks like this /execute at %player% run summon minecraft:fireball ~ ~1 ~ {ExplosionPower:20,direction:[0.0,-5.0,0.0]}
This plugin will be for 1.15?
In reply to alexa_fitz:
Until I've updated it on Bukkit, you can get all recent updates on SpigotMC. Now RB was tested and is working on 1.15, retaining backwards compatibility up to 1.8.
In reply to alexa_fitz:
The plugin has been updated.
Also Note: This jar file will only work on Minecraft 1.13 and (above). Since it contains the new match material methods and I haven't added any backward compatibility.
In reply to RockinChaos:
How to set the color of the glass pane? It can only be white
data value not working, type "red_stained_glass_pane" also not working
In reply to RockinChaos:
Also Note: This jar file will only work on Minecraft 1.13-1.14. Since it contains the new match material methods and I haven't added any backward compatibility.
Hello, Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia, I dont English well, I hope you'll understand. In general, when a player opens a box, at the moment of opening the player can press ESC and the box will close, and on which item the box was closed that object and is given out to the player. This increases the chance to knock out a cool item, and spamming into the chat. How to fix it, or is it a drawback?
In reply to Skunkodor_:
>This increases the chance to knock out a cool item
No its not, dropped items are determined by the same algorithm, even if the player closed the gui using Esc.
Hello, I would like to move this plugin to the Minecraft forum in China, I will note the original address
I've discover how to set the amount reward, cause when you change the selectCount in the box it still give the player 3 rewards, even if you change to another number. What u need to do is edit the gui > window. The default is:
- '@@@###@@@'
- 'abcDEFghi'
- '@@@###@@@'
Only D, E and F are with caps lock, and only have 3 ###. Its mean it will be 3 rewards, but If you put like this:
- '@@@@#@@@@'
- 'abcdEfghi'
- '@@@@#@@@@'
It will only give the player who oppened the box 1 reward, If you want 2 rewards, just put another character with caps, like:
- '@@@##@@@@'
- 'abcDEfghi'
- '@@@##@@@@'
And I think u will need to edit the itemsToSelectCount with the number of rewards you put in the window format.
Can we set item price for randomblock ? It's gonna be awesome if we can. I'll like to set item price with ticket.
please fix open box other hand not take box!
RandomBox 2.5.6 если поставить Chat Guard коробки перестают открываться. Через /openbox пишет что Это не коробка
Add bypass cooldown permissions, please
Send these errors to me pls
when you put a box inside a chest you get super errors
Please check ticket :)