
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

RamBar RamBar is a plugin that displays the current server's current ram usage and updates 2 times a second to be efficient, while having a low impact on your server. It also changes the percentage of the boss bar based on the RAM percentage. It is very light weight and has not permissions or commands (besides players typing /rambar to show the author, Redstone_Pro_73). In order for this plugin to function, you NEED BossBarAPI. Thanks and I hope you enjoy my first public plugin!

With the RamBar plugin and with 9 OTHER plugins such as Essentials and Essentials Chat, we tested how our plugin does in the real world. With 10 plugins in total including RamBar, the server only used 500 Megabytes (0.5 GB) of RAM!

If you have any issues, just comment them and I will try and get back to you with a fix! Thanks :D

Here are some pictures of the plugin in action! Image1 Image2


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