Race Games

Race Games by Bikkel007

Race Games let's you create horse, pig and foot tracks, each with several spawns, checkpoints, respawnblocks and a finishline. There are no other plugins needed to use this plugin and it's very easy to setup a race. During a race a scoreboard shows the player's personal record and the track record. At the end of a race rewards, like money and items, can be given to specific positions.

During the race players can reach checkpoints where they will respawn when they touch a respawnblock. (e.g. when people fall off into water during the race, they will respawn at their last checkpoint). When a player finishes his/her time will be broadcasted to all the other racers and their personal record and the track record may get updated. When all players are finished, the name and finishtime of the fastest racer will be broadcasted to all racers. If configured, rewards are given.

This plugin can be used for foot races, horse races, pig races, mazes, parkours, etc.

How it works

  • A player joins the game with '/rg join' and will get teleported to the lobby.
  • When the minimum amount of players to to auto-start is reached or when the command '/rg start' is executed, the voting will start.
  • The track that got the most votes will be the next track.
  • The players will be teleported to the spawns of the chosen track. If there aren't enough spawns, some players will get kicked.
  • A countdown will start and all the players will be frozen.
  • When the countdown reaches 0 all the players will be unfrozen and the race starts. If the track is a horse/pig track, the players will get mounted on a horse/pig.
  • When checkpoints are used, the players will be able to reach new checkpoints.
  • When a player touches a respawnblock they will get teleported back to their last checkpoint.
  • When all players are finished, the race will be over and the winner will be broadcasted.


  1. Type: '/rg setlobbyspawn' - This will set the lobby spawn to your current location.
  2. Type: '/rg createtrack <trackname> [horse/pig/foot]' - This will create and select a new track. You can choose: make it a foot track or a horse track.
  3. Type: '/rg addstart' - This will add your current location as a start to the selected track. Repeat the command to add as many spawns as you like.
  4. Create a finishline/block. By default a redstoneblock is used to finish a player. Let players run on the finishblock at the finish to stop their personal time.
  5. Check the config. Modify the config to match your personal interests. Set the minimum players needed, the duration of the countdown, etc
  6. Type: '/rg reload' - This will reload the config.yml and save the changes you made.
  7. OPTIONAL - Create checkpointblocks to let the players reach checkpoints. Goldblock by default.
  8. OPTIONAL - Create respawnblocks to teleport players back to their last checkpoint. Water by default.
  9. That's it, enjoy racing!

Commands and Permissions

/rgGet info about the pluginGranted by default
/rg commandsGet all the available commandsGranted by default
/rg listSee who are playing the gameGranted by default
/rg tracksGet a list of all the tracksGranted by default
/rg joinJoin the gameGranted by default
/rg leaveLeave the gameGranted by default
/rg vote <trackname>Vote for a trackGranted by default
/rg startForce the game to startracegames.moderator
/rg stopForce the game to stopracegames.moderator
/rg kick <player>Kick a player out of the raceracegames.moderator
/rg setlobbyspawnSet the lobby spawn to your current positionracegames.admin
/rg createtrack <trackname> [horse/pig/foot]Create a new trackracegames.admin
/rg deletetrack <trackname>Delete a trackracegames.admin
/rg settrack <trackname>Select a trackracegames.admin
/rg settype <trackname> [horse/pig/foot]Change the type of a trackracegames.admin
/rg addstartAdd your current position as a start to the selected trackracegames.admin
/rg spawns <trackname>Check how many spawns are set for the chosen rackracegames.admin
/rg reloadReload the config.ymlracegames.admin

The permission race.admin contains all permissions of race.moderator.

The command /rg does the same thing as /racegames



Things you should know

Race Games checks for new updates and alerts admins if one is found. You can disable this by opening the RaceGames/config.yml file in your plugins folder and set "update" to "false".

To determine popularity and usage of Race Games plugin installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system. Your Java version, OS, player count, server country location and plugin & server versions are collected. This is used to determine what environments are using the plugin to ensure full compatibility. This collection is anonymous. If you don't want this tracking, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set "opt-out" to "true".

When the creator of this plugin joins the server you'll notice because of a small custom message, so I can help you right away!


  • Add checkpoint blocks.
  • Add a command to reload the config.
  • Add permissions.
  • Keep track of the fastest time ever.
  • Keep track of the personal fastest time.
  • Support multiple tracks.
  • Teleport players back to a lobby when they finish the race.
  • Support horse tracks.
  • Support pig tracks.


Click here for the full changelog!


Voting system

Voting system

During a horse race

During a horse race




Please let me know what you think about this plugin. If you want me to add something to the plugin, just leave a comment below.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 16, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 24, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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