The Game
Quake is a very addictive game ! It's a game inspired by Hypixel's server. You have a RailGun (a hoe) and the goal is to shoot other players with the RailGun by right clicking with the hoe in your hand to shoot out a firework which sets off an explosion onto the player, and kills them! The RailGun Instant-Kills players, and takes two seconds to 'reload' and shoot again, the reload of the RailGun is the EXP bar, but you can upgrade the RailGun by purchasing them. Upgrading your Hoe (railgun) makes the cool-down time shorter! The first player who gains 25 kills wins the game!
NEW: Test/Preview/Download Server
Now this Project has an Official Server where you can Test to Play the Game and Download the lastest Plugin File.
The IP of the server is "Quakecraft.fun".
When you type in Chat the command "/download", you get a link to click to download the current installed Quake Jar file.
All Information below can be old and no more right. Please check out the Wiki Page for Up-to-Date informations.
( Click me to go to updated informations )
How to install
- Download the plugin.
- Place it in the plugin folder (plugins/).
- Restart/Reload the server.
- Restart/Reload the server again (for create new files).
- Create new world with your arena (You need a Multi-World plugin like Multiverse) (optionally).
- Enjoy.
How to use
Create an Arena
- Do /quake create [Arena name] - to create an arena.
- Do /quake setmin [Arena name] [number] - to set the minimum number of player to begin the game.
- Do /quake setmax [Arena name] [number] - to set the maximum number of player can join the game.
- Do /quake setmap [Arena name] [Name of map] - to set the name of the map will display on the lobby (Unknown will be display if nothing is set).
- Do /quake addspawn [Arena name] - in the Arena, to add a randoms spawn of the Arena. (Do this many time of you want !)
- Do /quake save [Arena name] - to save the config of the Arena. Enjoy !
Create the lobby
Please read this Page (New Lobby System)
EN & Ger(DE)
|====================== Tuto - FR ======================|
- /quake help - All commands
- Quake.player - For a default player.
- Quake.JoinInGame - Join in game.
- Quake.modo - Start/stop for moderators.
- Quake.edit - To manage arenas.
- Quake.lobby - To manage lobby.
- Quake.VIP - To double gain ! and other stuff (join full games ...)
- Quake.Shop - To allow automatic give of emerald in selected world.
- Quake.admin - Allow all permissions.
- Economy support / Self economy
- Multiple arenas
- Timer
- ScoreBoard
- Dynamic Lobby and Multiple Lobby !
- Permissions
Gameplay features
- Sneak is disable, when you sneak other people see you normally (You can disable in the arena config).
- Jump Boost 2 and Speed 2 effect in the arena (You can disable in the arena config).
- Spawn-Kill reduce by 0.5 sec of invicibility at respawn.
- Others..
Bug Report
For report please join the discord server below and join coding path.
All report in commentary will not answer.
This plugin sends statistics about the usage to https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/Quake/5809. You can disable it by set use-metric to false in config file.
No Support in DM everywhere!!!
Hello, I just installed the latest version of this plugin and noticed some issues that can break the game. The first and most important is when a player is in the 5 second respawn after being killed, they can still be killed with the gun. Ideally I'd like to just make respawns instantaneous but I found no options in the config to do that. Additionally, trying to disable auto respawn does not work, it just turns itself back on. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
This plugin prevents rain in the world, and I can't find where I could configure that in config files.
Is there any way that I could resolve this issue?
Works on version 1.12.2?
I want to use this plugin on my server
In reply to kvordt:
You can download it HERE
If you need a worked version from 1.8 till 1.16.5
Can be found here --> Quake Download
If you have questions, need help or if you have a idea, join the discord server, read the lobby, do what writen in pinned message and ask your question public in the quake channel ( no pm support ).
Or go to Spigot Discussion Thread and ask there please.
I need this for 1.14.4 and where you can toggle on and off the plugin in certain worlds or something like that. i wanna make it a minigame on my server
In reply to Forge_User_12518975:
It's now available on my plugin page to download. Version 3.4.0
Download Plugin
Plugin in bug
In reply to iproVi_Official:
Look here for non-official version
Hey dude,
Can you please make a kind of assault rifle-style hoe?
It should do like 2 hearts of damage (in config) and shoot 3 times per second (in config too.)
By the way, you are awesome!
(maybe a shotgun too but I think that is too difficult)
Hey PapaHarni,
i was enjoying your plugin but in 1.12.1 it is not working for me anymore... the scoreboard doesn't apear and emerald is not given in that world (that i set).... hoe is not working, no firework sparklings no shot visible... xp bar jammed and count down gets stuck on 30 seconds to start.
Help please :(
In reply to Forge_User_86946165:
Version's between 1.8.8 and 1.11.2 can you download on my little page now.
Check it HERE
Version's between 1.8.8 and 1.11.2 can you download on my little page now.
Check it HERE
In reply to PapaHarni:
In reply to DevMrGriefer:
In reply to PapaHarni:
In reply to PapaHarni:
In reply to DinoProductions:
Lobby wall??
Does it auto put map signs on the lobby wall or what im confused
also the arena didn't work and i had a minimum of 2 players set and the guns didn't shoot, i'm using 1.11.2, clock also is frozen at 30