PVP Switcher

PVP Switcher is a plugin that allows players to turn on/off PVP. It works per world so you can configure in what worlds the plugin effects the PVP status. The plugin will also send the player a message and a sound when he hits a player when it is not allowed (if he or the player he hit, it's PVP is turned off). Players also need to login again so during battle they can't just escape this way.



  • /pvpswitch on:
    • Usage: /pvpswitch on
    • Description: Command that player has to use to turn on PVP.
    • Permission: pvpswitch.use
  • /pvpswitch off:
    • Usage: /pvpswitch off
    • Description: Command that player has to use to turn off PVP.
    • Permission: pvpswitch.use
  • /pvpswitch addworld:
    • Usage: /pvpswitch addworld
    • Description: Adds a world to the list where the plugin is active.
    • Permission: pvpswitch.admin
  • /pvpswitch removeworld:
    • Usage: /pvpswitch removeworld
    • Description: Removes a world to the list where the plugin is active.
    • Permission: pvpswitch.admin


To install the plugin just place the PVPSwitcher.jar in your plugin folder. Start the server and the plugin will automatically install everything. You will see that a folder called PVPSwitcher will be made in your plugins folder including a config.yml and a players.yml file. In these files all the needed information will be saved.

Using config.yml file

When you have installed the plugin correctly you will see that a map called PVPSwitcher will appear in your plugin folder. The folder PVPSwitcher contains a file called config.yml. When you open the file you will see two main parts.


Here you will find all the default settings that are needed to make the plugin run correctly.

  • Enabled: - True: The plugin is active.

- False: The plugin isn't active.

  • MainSetting

Here you can set what is the main setting for the PVP status. Attention this setting is capitale sensitive. So place ON or OFF with capitals.

- ON: New players will auto have their PVP turned ON

- OFF: New players will auto have their PVP turned OFF


This part appears once you've added a world to the list for the first time

  • Worlds

Here you will find a list with all the worlds where the plugin will be active.

Using players.yml

Here will the info player related be saved.

  • PVP

This is the PVP status at the moment. -ON: Player has PVP turned ON -OFF: Player has PVP turned OFF

  • SetPVP

This is the status the player will get when he rejoins. -ON:Player will have PVP turned ON when he rejoins. -OFF: Player will have PVP turned OFF when he rejoins. -N.A. :Player's PVP status won't change when he rejoins.


If you are having some technical problems with the server or need help to install the plugin feel free to post a comment or contact me at [email protected]


  • Adding more add-on and stuff.
  • (if you want more stuff added just let me know)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 25, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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