Using multiple plugins to handle PvP? Don't want to use yet another plugin just for that one feature? Or even simply looking for an updated Combat Log plugin with great performance?
Supports servers running Spigot / Paper / Folia
Supports PlaceholderAPI - List of placeholders or /papi info pvpmanager
- Prevent PvP Log with various punishments
- Toggle PvP with commands
- Disables Fly/GameMode/Disguises/Invisibility when entering combat
- Newbie Protection (New players are protected when they join)
- Auto Soup (Soup is instantly consumed and heals player)
- Anti Border Hopping (Players can't run to safe zones while tagged)
- Anti Kill Abuse (Killing the same player several times can be stopped)
- Respawn Protection
Other Features
- Blood animation on hit
- Block placing lava/fire near players with PvP disabled
- Block Commands and Enderpearls while in combat
- Block Placing blocks while in combat
- Detects Auto Disconnect hack and still punishes the player
- Transfer a player's drops directly to his killer
- Can be disabled in specific worlds
- Everything is configurable including messages
/pvp [player] - Toggles PvP/pvpstatus - Check your PvP status/pvptag - Check time left until out of combat/newbie [disable] - Check time left as newbie or disable protection
/pvplist <offline> - List the PvP state of all online or offline players/pvpinfo [player] - Shows info about you or other player/pvpstatus [player] - Check yours or other player PvP status/pvpoverride - Allows player to attack anywhere/newbie [add/checktime/remove] - Add/remove newbie protection or check time left/pvptag [player] [seconds] - Combat tags a player/untag [player] - Untags a player/pvpglobal <on|off> - Toggle PvP for the whole server/announce - Mainly to be used in the config, can broadcast messages without any prefix/pmr - Shows PvPManager help page/pmr cleanup- Clean players from database/pmr locale- Change your message file to another language/pmr reload - Reloads PvPManager/pmr worlds - Clickable menu to manage world PvP/pmr update - Update PvPManager to latest version
- /pvp - /toggle or /pvptoggle
- /pmr - /pvpmanager or /pvpm
To see all permissions check the Full List
You can customize the ingame PvPManager messages by editing the file "messages.properties". Change locale to your own language in config.yml or edit the default messages file, it supports color codes (&1, &2, etc) and hex color codes.
You can help translate to your language here: Crowdin
- PvPManager has an auto updater, it's optional and possible to disable by going to /plugins/PvPManager/config.yml and opt-out under the 'Update Check' section
- If you find a bug, please create a ticket so it can be fixed
- Do you want a similar plugin but directed to PvE? Try my other plugin PvEManager
- Looking for the old PvPTimer feature? Here it is: PvPCycle
If you appreciate my work and/or make profit from your server, donations are welcome!
PvPManager Premium
Since 02/10/2019 (Started tracking on v3.5)
Could you add that kills give you XP?
Could you possibly add in a manual command to grant pvp protection to new players. To extend it, sort of like the plugin pvptimer does if a player removes it.
I have been pushing some changes recently: http://ci.md-5.net/job/PvPManager/
If anyone would like to test new builds and report bugs on github that would be great!
Note: Due to the new config structure, your old config will be renamed to "config.old.yml"
Hi,this plugin have pvp Top features?and can set give the top three reward(money/item/command)?
what lol? it wont even let you see the Premium page so how are people meant to buy it -.-
I didnt find a permission to allow player to change the pvp stat of other players.
Thank you, i will add it!
Newbie protection works for new player only i.e. for players that enter your server for the first time.
/pvp disable - Disables Newbie protection for yourself
newbies are reporting they cannot turn off the protection
How does this plugin know who is a newbie and who isn't ? Is it rank based or what? Cuz all my players when i put it on dont have newbie protection only the new ones who join. I wanted them all to have it since this is the firs ttime using plugin
Is there a way that pvp is always on for players once they toggle pvp on once ? I am trying to allow newbies to not get killed only for a time limit ?
Hello NoChanceSD, I translated the message.properties for Brazilian. Follow the link with the translation. message_br.properties Thanks.
Please use github to report bugs, as you probably noticed i don't read messages here very often. Are you sure they get money though? I didn't change anything related with that recently.
Latest dev build fixes the force broadcast messages "Server ect ect.". Only thing buggy is players get money for kills when disabled.
Am I the only one experiencing issues with logging out atm? On all our servers, players are able to log out and log back in with their items when in the config it's suppose to kill them upon combat logging. It announces the combat log too.
How to run on server MC 1.8.3 ?
I have installed for server 1.8.3, but it is the not working.
It conflicts with the essential command pm.
So how do I fix it!
i think you config /pm alias wrong, i must point it to /pvp because they've same arguments
Using craftbukkit 1.8.7
I am also getting the Jaunt error. Hope this is resolved quickly! Would love to use this! thanks
Can you add a feature where players with Noob protection (New Player PvP Off) have a coloured nametag? Currently you only allow coloured names for players who have pvp on or off. It would make it easier to identify players who are under noob protection if they could have a coloured name as well. Thanks!
Im getting the same error as the 1 below, also name tag colors arnt working latest dev build?