default-config/Version A3.6.4

Version: 2
## Command to execute on LevelUp?
## %1$s   - Player who get levelup
ExecuteCommand: "give %1$s diamond 1"
ExecuteMessage: "say %1$s Just received reward for levelup"
PublicMessage: "&aPlayer %1$s just got LevelUP"
OfflineMessage: "You just got LevelUp and received prize!"
## If you have VAULT then you can use this.
  enabled: true
  value: 500
 ## Do you want to reward users who has reached MaxLevel?
 ## Also includes ExecuteCommand:   Option!
 EnableMaxLevelReward: true
  CountKills: true
  CountDeath: true
  ## To correct work enabled Kills and Death Counting
  ## Do you need KD ratio to show? /pvp
  KDratio: true
  ## Give XP if mob killed?
  ## Broadcast - Send message to player when he kill mob?
   enable: true
   broadcast: true
  ## Killed player loss XP when got killed?
  ## Amount: 20 , 40 , 60 , 80, 100
  ## [!!!] Don't use all other numbers (ex. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10...) Only numbers like in brackets 0+20=(20)+20=(40)+20=(60)+20...
  ## [!!!] Don't exceed XPNeded .
  ## Feature is not Tested! Use at your own.
   enable: true
   amount: 20
  ## 1 kill = 20 XP
  ## 10 Kills = 200 XP
  ## After 10 kills = LevelUP
  XPNeded: 200
  ## 0 = infinite
  MaxLevel: 300
## If 'true' - ExecuteMessage will be executed
## If 'false' - offline message will be used .
Global: true
## Simple Chat Formats
## %2$.2f = {PlayerLevel}
FormatStyle: "&a[ LVL "
FormatStyleClose: "]"
## ChatPlugin
## 1 = PermissionsEx
## 2 = Essentials Group Manager , EssentialsChat
## 3 = Method none ( Use Default settings without plugins )
## ChatFormatingEnabled: if True then chat will be formated!
ChatFormatingEnabled: true
ChatPlugin: 1
## Group Prefix from ChatPlugin:   {Prefix}
## Player Level:  [LVL]
## Player Name: {PlayerName}
## You can use ChatColor codes!
## [!!!] If you use it like {PREFIX} [LVL] {PlayerName} - Then if prefix Last Color code is with Char it will not work! Example &2(Admin)&c - It will use only &2 for player name color!
ChatStyle: "{PREFIX} [LVL] {PlayerName}"
## ColorCodes can be used ! &1 &2 ... etc
 No-Permissions: '&cSorry you dont have enough permissions'
 Money-Prize: '&aYou just received money'
 Xp-Increased: '&aYou Just increased your XP for killing Player!'
 Death-Message: '&cYou got killed'
 Killed-LossXP: '&cYou lost XP because someone killed you!'
 Killed-LossLevel: '&cYou lost level'
 Mob-kill: '&aYou just got XP for killing mob'


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