
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



What is PvPExitDelay? This plugin is for servers that may not want to use plugins that create PvP arenas and like to have their arenas self managed with WorldGuard regions. This plugin's purpose is to create a way to get out of an arena without having an exit that get's guarded by teams of other players. Admins set the location coordinates which is stored in a simple config file. Then when a player executes the command to exit, the plugin waits for five seconds and they will teleport to the coordinates set in the config file. The reason for the delay of five seconds is to prevent players from saving their items or using a macro to leave the arena faster when in danger.


/setexit - Set the world, x, y, z coordinates that the players will be teleported to upon using /exitpvp.
/exitpvp - Teleports the player to the coordinates set by the admins/ the coordinates in the config file.


ped.exitpvp - Allows usage of the command /exitpvp.
ped.setexit - Allows usage of the command /setexit.


Configuration is extremely simple. After you run /setexit check your plugins folder to view the coordinates. The config file will update every time you use /setexit.

Planned Features

Configurable time delay(soon)
Configurable messages(soon)
Possible WorldGuard region support to restrict the commands to only be used in PvP regions.


PvPExitDelay was a plugin I created for a friend to use on his server it is also the first plugin I've ever created. This is more of a learning experience for me and as I learn more about Bukkit and Java I will update this plugin or create something more complex to test my knowledge.

My server: InfiniteHeights
This plugin is also used on Minecove: Minecove


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