Unfortunately, I have long lost interest in Minecraft and have no plans to update this plugin any further, so I highly suggest finding a replacement. It was a good run, but I think it's time to call it quits. We appreciate all the support over the years, and are truly grateful for it. Best of luck,
pTweaks is a server optimization tool. This plugin will redefine how your server loads, stores and manages chunks. pTweaks will prioritize chunk loading so the ones that need loaded get done first. When a large number of chunks are being loaded consecutively the plugin will start to unload unused chunks at a higher rate to keep performance on the server higher. pTweaks has a smart chunk loading algorithm so that chunks in a players surroundings stay loaded while under normal use so never again will you take a few steps and all the chunks start to unload behind you. pTweaks stops your server from using resources it doesn't have to use. pTweaks also adds mob handling. You are able to set limits of Monsters and Animals in each world. When things get out of hand pTweaks also offers a kill command to kill all living entities. pTweaks also offers a command to check your ram limits, performance, and allocations. pTweaks is an anti lag plugin.
Your server will be able to run longer, and smoother without the need of a restart. This being pTweaks already clears all unused data that would normally be removed with a server restart. Java dumps are already cleared and Chunks have a longer life span, meaning ram usage and CPU intensity will drop. Mob handling is now a possibility, enable or set the amount of mobs/animals spawning in your world(s) to massively drop resource usage, Limiting mobs is like turning down view distance improvement wise. Helps reduce performance therefor stopping lag.
The lifetime is how long the chunk is loaded into memory, and the prune is the cycle rate. Depending on your server size and CPU power you may want to customize these settings. Larger servers with more free ram may want to make prune higher to keep chunk loading and unloading from happening less often, while smaller servers may want to keep the default settings or make prune lower. The prune is the cycle of when all the unused chunks get unloaded. So having this higher makes more chunks stay loaded longer, while having it lower makes them unload faster. Both have benefits but generally i don't suggest editing it. SpawnChunkRadius is the static (initial) loading of chunks when a player joins your server, so the amount of chunks loaded around him, don't suggest editing this.
ChunkEdits is a 100% customized chunk loading algorithm to enable quicker loading of chunks, and priority packets. So chunks load in a fashion better fitted for the player and the server. This algorithm isn't perfect, and currently being recoded.
Monster Limiter:
This is a fully custom feature. You can enable or disable this in the config. Limit the amount of Mobs or Animals spawning in your world, or disable spawning all together. Change if you want spawning in one world and not the other, you can also simply use the kill command to butcher all living mobs/animals in the current or all worlds. You can see all commands by typing /pTweaks in game.
Chunk Persistance:
This is a fully custom feature, that can be turned off in the config. This does a whole lot and is the main backbone of the plugin. Change how many chunks are loaded on player join or how long chunks stay loaded after people leave them. Makes chunks with no activity loaded at certain intervals to save tons of CPU power. The clear cycle is changed to make less disc writing. Chunks with lots of visitors will stay loaded longer, and not have to render again and again. This adding lots of performance to your server.
Ram Check:
Check the amount of ram being used, the free ram, and currently loaded ram. This gives you the ability to check server performance and debug bad plugins by seeing which are taking up the most resources by adding one and testing, adding another and using the command again. This command will soon also have TPS and other performance tracking abilities.
Packet Auto Save:
Instead of writing every chunk to the disc every 2 seconds. This changes it to a custom time that you want, Default is 50ms This saves the server from writing about 14KBps to the disc (10 writes, 3 reads per chunk, on a 3 person server). As well as saves about 2 calls to deflate every 2 seconds. (per chunk)
TNT Edit: (Suggested)
Basically all this does is after the first explosion, shadows the rest of them by duplicating the same explosion so the effects of say 500 TNT are the same as the effects of a single tnt block going off. This is not bullet proof, and it will still be possible to cause server lag by making the server render too many packets, but this is not possible unless doing thousands of blocks with a plugin like WorldEdit.
- Download pTweaks
- Stop your server
- Put pTweaks.jar in your Plugins directory
- Start Your Server
- Edit Config's to your liking or leave default
- Reload
- Done!
Permission: pTweaks.pTweaks
This command will bring up most ingame settings, and information. You can also enable or disable mob spawning from ingame.
Permission: pTweaks.ram
This will show current ram usable, and information
Thanks too @Torrent for the video
Thanks too @BrandonHopkins for the video
Lag Test 3,000 TNT / With and Without pTweaks (356MB server)
Please consider donating to help support development of this plugin!
Everything helps.
1) Cyberpwn $5
does this work with the way spigot handles chunks?
Yes. They are totally safe together.
A little question, I've not understood very well what AutoSaveStopper does, and I don't know if it could conflict with other plugin called AutoSaveWorld which performs autosaves every "x" minutes. Are those two plugins both together safe to use?
Wow, that's great, I'll download 6.0.5 it right now, thank you a lot!
Should work fine for 1.5.2R1.0
Ok, I assume CB 1.5.2-R1.0 isn't supported then, just wanted to know if 6.0.5 could support this CB besides CD 1.5.2-R0.1 build, thank you for your answer!
pTweaks V6.0.5 for CB 1.5.2-R0.1
Hi, Im using craftbukkit 1.5.2 R1.0 (stable release), but I don't find a pTweaks build for this version, so which build should I use for my craftbukkit version (assuming it's supported) ,ptweaks 6.0.5 or 6.0.6? Thank you!
your real name stands on your server website and your address too from bergedorf xD
I don't think we need a Jenkins. Not that many builds are put out.
Well but you know my real name, lol :P
Update for 1.6.2 is uploaded and awaiting approval!
Well is mrchasez is fine with it, I can setup a Jenkins project on my server!
Update will be available, soon.
Btw wer biste? Kenne den Nicknamen nicht :P
1.6.2 braucht einmal ein umcoden Tim :P cool kommst auch aus Hamburg xD den stadteil kenn ich sogar xD
Uhm, any jenkins or something else for us to follow the latest version?
may you please add a feature for when you do /ptweaks kill it wont kill a specific mob like the Horse ?
Solid and Smexy, as always, thanks guys ;)
Updated some of the information on the thread and added a Configuration page. pTweaks version 6.0.6 is also now available for download.
Update for 1.6.1 is uploaded and awaiting approval!
You know there is a reason why they put it in versioned packages ;)
I know how to update the Plugin ;)
We know how to change that =P
It's not smart though. Should always check for anything that has changed or broken.