Commands prior Version 0.9.5


/prospam enable
enable the plugin
/prospam disable
disable the plugin
/prospam max-caps [percent]
if the percentage of a words caps is greater than the given value, it gets changed to lowercase
/prospam no-repeat [time in seconds]
timespan a user is forbidden to repeat a chatline
/prospam reset
reset the chat history of all players (violation counter, no-repeat timer)
/prospam whitelist <word> since 0.9.3
add/remove a word to/from the whitelist (case sensitive)
/prospam onspam-enable
enable the onspam definitions
/prospam onspam-disable
disable the onspam definitions
/prospam onspam [violation #] <cmd>
trigger a server command on spam
{u} gets replaced with the players name
if no violation number is set, the command gets executed everytime there's no other action defined
Example: /prospam onspam 1 /tell {u} Please stick to the Chatiquette
Example: /prospam onspam 2 /tell {u} Stop it, /eco take {u} 15
Example: /prospam onspam /mute {u} 5m, /pex user {u} timed remove bukkit.command.tell 300
/prospam onspam
lists all the onspam definitions


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