Modifying weather options (0.7 - 1.0)

What can I change?

This page is about what/how you can change several things around weathers. In 0.7, you can change following things:

  • Weather probability
  • Weather's random time probability
  • Which weathers can't this weather be after
  • Maximal duration of weather

How can I change those?

Changing those things is quite easy. You just need to open weathers.yml in your favourite YAML files editor and modify the values as you want. Keys in weathers.yml are described as following:

  • Weather probability(in %s) = probability
  • Weather's random time probability(in %s) = rand-time-probability
  • Which weathers can't this weather be after(names of weathers - they can be found in weathers.yml as well) = cant-be-after
  • Maximal duration of weather(in server ticks - 12000 = half day; 24000 = one day; 36000 = day and half) = max-duration Example: Setting rain's maximal duration to one day, because rain is boring :) . This is defaultly generated sequence containing information about rain. Just change max-duration and it'll be fine
  probability: 50
  max-duration: 36000
  rand-time-probability: 50
  - Hot

and you just rewrite max-duration as following:

  probability: 50
  max-duration: 24000
  rand-time-probability: 50
  - Hot

Some useful use-cases

Disabling weather

  1. Set its probability to -1. Weather with probability -1 will not appear in natural weather cycles activated by /pw run. This means, that you can still switch to the weather with /pw stopat command.


Since 1.0, there's feature that you can disable some weather in certain biomes. Here's an example:

  - swampland
  - forest
  - taiga
  - desert
  - plains
  - hell
  - sky
  - ocean
  - river
  - extreme_hills
  - frozen_ocean
  - frozen_river
  - ice_plains
  - ice_mountains
  - mushroom_island
  - mushroom_shore
  - beach
  - desert_hills
  - forest_hills
  - taiga_hills
  - small_mountains
  - jungle
  - jungle_hills

If you want to disable weather in some biome, simply remove the line. e.g. if I want to disable it in the jungle, I just remove "- jungle". Note: biomes hell and sky are used for nether/end. They DON'T affect the world.


Some of you may be curious about what is the line "active-elements: []". It'll be used in future. The values are already set somewhere, but they currently don't affect weather behaviour.


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