Private Chat

Note: If updating from below v0.5 to 0.5+ the entire PrivateChat directory needs to be deleted. Keep a copy of your config.yml somewhere else on your pc etc, so you can copy paste back most of your settings.

Have you ever wanted to chat with just your friend/friends on the server?

Private chat can do that! With a simple command you can create your own private channel where no one can see your messages. Invite friends, and  have channel roles. Private chat allows for channel mods, and if you have a friend that becomes disruptive, you can kick them from your channel.

Give the channel whatever name you desire. Private chat is also highly configurable. Customize how chat will look for your default channels(this includes chat color). Customize leave and join messages.

Admins/Staff  already begin with a private channel they can chat in(also configurable)

Admins/Staff can also chat across channels and spy on various channels if suspicious activity seems to be afoot.

Added: (v1.0+)Ability for players/admins to send a hologram message to a players location. The hologram will delete itself after 10 seconds . A notification will be sent to the target player, letting them know the hologram was sent to them. The hologram has the players displayname and follows the colors set for player channels or staff based channels. Therefore any player with the channel.staff permission has their hologram text show up as the color setting for staff chat channel.

To do so simply type /c holo <playername> <message>

Added: ability to store channel messages and view them as the players head that sent them with the lore as their message. Channel staff can delete these messages along with the original message sender

Added: phones and phone numbers. You can now have your own phone number and be in a private call with your friend. /phone help for more info.

Added: The ability for players to be in more than one channel.Players own chat will reflect as the channel they are highest ranked in. 

Added: Player Names now have hover text over their name in group chat. Admins can configure the format for 3 lines with placeholders. The status placeholder has been added allowing players to set their own status with the new status command.


This plugin was designed to be discord like and allow for close to that same feel.



These are the various permission nodes:


channel.create  - Allows players to create their own private chat channel. They immediately become channel owner

channel.join  -Allows players to join channels they have been sent an invite to

channel.staff  -Allows player to join the staff chat channel

channel.spy -Allows for staff to spy on whatever is being said in a particular channel

channel.check - Allows for staff to check what channel a particular player is in - Allows for staff to chat into any channel using the c command

phone.create -Allows the player to receive a random four digit phone number they can be called at. -Allows the player to call another player that has a phone number

phone.spy -Allows for admin/staff to spy on a phone call a particular player is in

messages.admin - Allows admins to access any channels messages and delete or edit the messages

status.create - Allows player to create their own status.Note: this command is only useful if using the status placeholder.

status.admin- Allows admin to remove and view player status's.Note: command is only useful if using the status placeholder. 

c.holo - Allows players/admins to send hologram messages to each other.


The list of all commands can be accessed when typing /channel help, /c help, /phone help,and /status help.


Features that I'm Looking to Add:


1. An inventory gui that showcases player heads with messages they have sent to all members of the channel ***Added to v0.2

2.The ability to call a player and end up in a temporary private chat with them until you "hang up"***Added to v0.3

3.Sounds on players leaving or joining channels***Added to v0.2

4.Kind of a social networking platform where you can post status's and add friends etc(maybe)


About the Author:

This is my first plugin that i have ever made. I really hope that you guys enjoy. Feel free if your an experienced developer to reach out to me and help me optimize the code. This comes of course at the expense you will teach me.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 17, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Jan 18, 2019
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