
This is a W.I.P.

Base Command:

The base command for this plugin is /prisonmines and it is used for every command you can do in the plugin.


Syntax: /prisonmines help
Description: The help command allows you to see every command available to you.


Syntax: /prisonmines timer [mineName] [seconds]
Example: /prisonmines timer WaffleMine 120
Description: This command allows you to set how long between mine resets occur. This is in seconds.


Syntax: /prisonmines select [mineName]
Example: /prisonmines select WaffleMine
Description: This command allows you set a worldedit selection to a mine. This could be used for settings the area for a cuboid mine to reset to.


Syntax: /prisonmines create [mineName] [type]
Example: /prisonmines create WaffleMine
Description: This command allows you create a mine. The Mine Types include: cube


Syntax: /prisonmines update
Description: This will update the PrisonMinePlugin to the latest version!


Syntax: /prisonmines list
Description: This command allows you quickly view every mine there currently is.


Syntax: /prisonmines remove [mineName]
Example: /prisonmines remove WaffleMine
Description: This command allows you to delete Mines.

Mine Entries

Mine Entry commands use the base command of /prisonmines entries and is used to add, remove and manage block entries of a mine to modify which blocks get generated.

Entries Help

Syntax: /prisonmines entries help
Description: This command allows you view Mine Entries help.

Entries Add

Syntax: /prisonmines entries [mineName] add [material/hand] [rarity]
Example: /prisonmines entries WaffleMine add hand 0.5
Description: This command allows you to add blocks to a mine. You can either specify what you want to add or hold a item in your hand. The rarity can be anything, it is automatically scaled for you. For example if you add block A with rarity 0.5 and another block, block B with rarity 1, block A will be 33%(0.5/1.5), and Block B will be 66%(1/1.5) of the mine.

BlockRarityMine Percentage
A0.533% (0.5/1.5)
B166% (1/1.5)
Total1.5100% (1.5/1.5)

Entries List

Syntax: /prisonmines entries [mineName] list
Example: /prisonmines entries WaffleMine list
Description: The command will show you the current Entries that the mine has.

Entries Remove

Syntax: /prisonmines entries [mineName] remove [material/hand] [rarity/all]
Example: /prisonmines entries WaffleMine remove hand all
Description: The command will allow you to remove all or some of the rarity from the material you specify or the item in your hand.


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