Pretty Simple Administration


PSAdmin1.10 is my first release and will most likely have a couple of errors here and there so please point them out and comment the ones you find OR comment anything that you would like to be changed/added. It is under development so there might be some issues. If you would like me to change anything on the plugin specifically for your server then please let me know and I would be happy to help! Pretty Simple Administration is a plugin that allows you to quickly but efficiently check different settings of a player such as their frozen status, IP, equipment and much more! (See the GUI + Settings below) This plugin also logs each ban/kick/freeze and clearchat that a player will do which includes who did it, who they did it to, the reason they did it and the time. (It varies depending on the action that was recorded.)



•Send message from Bungee server to Bungee server!

•Chat can be cleared and muted

•Logs each ban/kick/freeze/clearchat

•Custom staff/player login

•Custom GUI of a player + settings

Send a message on how to correctly ban a player using the plugin.

Can see if the player is OP.

Get what world and coordinates a player is at. Can teleport to!

Displays their actual IP address.

Shows what equipment they are wearing.

Checks and can change the gamemode of a player

Checks the players health & hunger

Checks if the player is in the frozen list.

Checks if the player is flying/walking and can edit.

This is the full inspection GUI.

The armor stand shows exactly what you are wearing.


All players can use /psa toggle if they do not want to send notifications when they join/quit the game.

===Pretty Simple Administration V1.10=======Below this line====
Permission node for all of the permissionspsa.*
kickKick a player with a reasonpsa.kick.player
banBan a player with a reasonpsa.ban.player
inspectInspect a player and see their informationpsa.inspect.player
Change the players gamemode in the Inspect GUIpsa.inspect.gamemode
Teleport to the player in the Inspect GUIpsa.inspect.teleport
Freeze the player in the Inspect GUIpsa.inspect.freeze
Set the players fly on or off in the Inspect GUIpsa.inspect.setfly
Set the user OP in the Inspect GUIpsa.inspect.setop
bcmSend a message to a player on a different bungee serverpsa.server.sendmessage
Ability to talk while chat is
mutechatVery clear, mute the
clearchatClear the chat up to 50 messagespsa.clearchat
Send staff members with a permission a messagepsa.sendstaff.msg
Recieve a message from the sendstaff commandpsa.staff.recieve
freezeFreeze a player with a reason. Disable movement + talkpsa.freeze.player
Custom join notification for staffpsa.staff.join
Custom quit notification for staffpsa.staff.quit
===Pretty Simple Administration V1.13=======Below this line====
maintenanceTurn on maintenance mode. Disables players from joining with a message.psa.maintenance.use
Bypass the maintenance mode.psa.maintenance.bypass
===Pretty Simple Administration V1.14=======Below this line====
Permission node for all troll permissionspsa.troll.*
turnTurn a player 180 degrees. [Troll]psa.troll.turn
fakeopFake op a player. [Troll]psa.troll.fakeop
fakedeopFake deop a player. [Troll]psa.troll.fakedeop
boomCreate an explosion effect at a players location. [Troll]psa.troll.boom
weatherDisplays a GUI to change the
playerclearchatClears a players chat.psa.clearchat.player



Any updates or changes to the plugin will be noted here!

Version 1.12 2016-08-26

CHANGES/ADDITIONS •Custom Death Messages •Config can disable/enable this feature •Suffocation: "<Player> never brought a pickaxe and suffocated!" •Entity: "Guess who got killed by a <mob>? <name> did!" •Drowning: "Forgot their scuba gear and drowned!" •Killed by Fire/Lava: "<name> has felt the wrath of satan and burned to death!" •Fall: "<name> was on their phone and hit the ground to hard."

Will be adding customizable messages instead of default ones.

Version 1.13 : 2016-08-27

CHANGES/ADDITIONS •Added Death Message. •Projectile: "<name> has been katnissed by <shooter name>".

•Color and text has been changed. •Changed thousands of lines of code in one class to multiple classes. •Maintenance mode. (Disable players from joining, like a white-list. •Removed most bold messages. Looks bad. •Ban / Freeze files now store UUID's, not player names. (Nick names could mess that up.). •Frozen-players.txt added. Now players are saved from the array. •Forbidden-Words section created in config. •Fixed Chat Event, (forgot @EventHandler). •Players with permission "psa.staff.recieve" will now get freeze, ban and kick notifications. •staff-logs.txt now logs players that say a word from the forbidden list with the time. •Changed file name to pretty_simple_administration. •Changed version in the plugin.yml.


•Removed the /psa beginning. All commands no longer contain /psa.

Version 1.14 : 2016-08-28


•Changed the file name for the final time. PSAdmin. •Added trolling commands. •turn : Turn a player 180 degrees. •fakeop : Fake op a player. •fakedeop : Fake deop a player. •boom : Create an explosion effect at a players location.

•Added uweather command. •GUI to edit the weather.

•Added playerclearchat command. •Added aliases to some commands. •mc : mutechat. •cc : clearchat. •pcc : playerclearchat.

•Frozen command does not work as both freeze and unfreeze. Added /unfreeze instead. •Fixed the word "recieve" to "receive" in permissions. •Fixed unfreeze command.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 25, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Aug 27, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License

