
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Prank is a Bukkit plugin for Minecraft which encompasses a number of pranks which can be applied to players on a server. Have fun with your users by scaring the crap out of them, frustrating them, and just generally trolling like a boss.

Prank is the successor to my plugin Creeper's Gonna Creep, which initially provided only the creeper prank (explained below). As this release changes the focus of the plugin, I decided to make the name and commands more general.

Pranks •Creeper (/prank creeper [player])

Randomly spawn creepers around a player! Make them wonder why god hates them so much, as they mine or build and are plagued with a stream of creepers. •Tool Switch (/prank toolswitch [player])

Switch the player's currently equipped item into the first empty slot of their inventory whenever they try to use it! Frustrate the hell out of players who can't accomplish anything! •Shocking Fall (/prank shockingfall [player])

Whenever a player takes fall damage, strike them down with lightning! This prank can lie in wait for hours before it finally strikes... a player is innocently building or exploring when they make a jump that's just a little too high and - BAM, they are either dead or burning to death. They had better pray for water!


/prank [pranktype] [player] - Start pranking [player] with [pranktype] prank.

/unprank [pranktype] [player] - Stop pranking [player] with [pranktype] prank.

Player can be online or offline.

Prank Types •creeper •toolswitch •shockingfall

Bukkit Permissions (Superperms) •prank.* •prank.creeper •prank.toolswitch •prank.shockingfall

ToDo •Add more pranks! Post suggestions! •Add a way to list all players being pranked.

This mod isnt working well with minecraft 1.2.5 it works on some servers but not on others.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 5, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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