The powerful pvp-plugin for Bukkit.
The planned release is october 2013.
Ever played Paintball? Did you like it? Then check this out!
This plugin allows you to play paintball in Minecraft! It features two unique weapons, a multi match system and a regex compatible result saving. There is also a medikit!
Players can have kill- and death-streaks, they get points for every hit and some blocks get additional functions like refilling your ammunition, health, food or changing your weapon.
A full list of features:
- Two special weapons, the rifle and the shotgun (More on the way)
- Multiple matches can run at a time
- The results can be saved and broadcasted
- Kill- and death-streak messages and a reward
- A portable medikit to heal yourself or teammates
- Dropped cakeblocks refill your health and cacti refill your ammunition
- Additional features for some blocks
- Protects the world from players if configured
- Ammunition is displayed in the experience bar of a player and your level indicates how many magazines you have left
- Texturepack is also planned
- Simple permission setup
- Fully configurable
- Everything runs on the server side, no client-mods necessary
For more information take a look at the todolist.
Functionality and Commands
The plugin uses armor and colored user tooltips to indicate the team of a player. Snowballs and Eggs are used as projectiles, while different dyes are the weapons and their states.
Following blocks get additional features:
- Iron ore:Change your weapon
- Coal ore:Replenish your food bar
- Gold ore:Refill your ammunition
- Redstone ore:Heal yourself
- Dispenser: Same as coal ore, but it has a texture with a direction
If the plugin is configured to protect a world it will prevent players from placing and destroying blocks and from picking up items. The multi-match system is based on a list of matches, each match has to be opened, started and closed by a manager.
Admin Commands
- /pb open [name] [maxplayers]
- Open a match
- /pb set [a/b/sda/sdb/l]
- Set the spawn(a/b)- and respawn(sda/sdb)-points of the two teams. A is red and B is blue, "l" sets the lobby point
- /pb set map <name>
- Change the title of the match
- /pb set mp <count>
- Change the maximum amount of players
- /pb start [time in minutes]
- Starts the match. If time is given, the match will be ended automatically
- /pb end
- Ends the match
- /pb calc
- Calculate, broadcast and save the stats of the match
- /pb close
- Closes the match
- /pb reset
- Resets the stats of all players in your match
- /pb watch [id]
- Teleports you to the lobby of a match
- /pb info
- Shows you information on your current match
- /pb hide
- Hides you from other players(BUGGY)
- /pb show
- Makes you visible again
User Commands
- /pb list
- Lists all open matches
- /pb join <id>
- Joins the match with the given id
- /pb leave
- Leaves the match you are currently in
- /pb watch
- Switches you to the watch mode
- /pb play
- Lets you play again
- /pb help
- Shows you how to use the plugin(contextual)
- /pb info
- Shows information on your current match
Development state
As you can see in the video below, this plugin is almost finished, but it lacks some features, like disabling the whole functionality in game and only allow games to be played in the configured worlds. And the texture-pack has to be developed.
Ingame footage
A video, i did not make it.
please upload the plugin my server need this
Oh, yeah, if you want to get some stuff earlier, you can help me develop the plugin.
And by helping i mean testing. Send me a PM if you are interested.
To all of you guys waiting: I will be updating this plugin ASAP.
Because it seems to be an often requested feature, i'm going to implement kind of a sniper rifle. But, it might take some time, because at the moment, the plugin can not be run on a server without blocking other stuff. And there is much new stuff to implement.
But: I'm working on it.
please make this plugin to the new version !!!!! please
much weapons plz .... like sniper pistol sg
Cant wait for this plugin it looks sooo good great work thank you.
Can't wait for this plugin to be released. Can't seem to find any other good ones. :/ Keep it up. :)
can im test you plugin?
Due to some problems i'm having, the release is planned for January, 2013.
If you really want to test it, contact me directly.
Any release date ?