
Default fence.yml

# Automatic fence/border generation around new regions.
#   ** USEFUL LIST OF BLOCK IDS (do not use item IDs) **
# Material = the block ID that the border will be made from. You can
# enter data values like blockID:data E.G. 6:1
# Note: this is the only time you can use data values in this config!
# Cost Multiplier =  The cost of the fence/border for each block. 
# If you do not have Vault, the cost will always be 0.
# Height = For a fixed border height enter a number (0-256) or you may enter
# "impact" or "impact-1", +5, +20, etc this will use the splash potion impact height.
# Allow Floating = Is the fence/border allowed to spawn above air/plants (floating)?
# Optional = Ask the player if they want a border instead of creating automatically.
# ReplaceBlock = The ID of the block that will be used to replace the region border
# if the feature is also enabled in worlds.yml. -1 = disabled.
# Affected Blocks = A list of block IDs that are allowed to be
# changed into border blocks when a border is created.
# Blocks not on this list will not become part of the border.
# NOTE: You may not use data values in this list!
# Example setups:
#  world:
#    Material: '85'
#    Cost Multiplier: 2.0
#    Height: 'impact'
#    Allow floating: false
#    Optional: true
#    ReplaceBlock: '-1'
#    Affected Blocks:
#      - 0
#      - 2
#      - 3
#      - 8
#      - 9
#      - 12
#      - 18
#      - 30
#      - 31
#      - 32
#      - 37
#      - 38
#      - 39
#      - 40
#      - 50
#      - 78
#      - 81
#      - 87
#      - 106
#      - 111
#  creative_flatland:
#    Material: '35:14'
#    Cost Multiplier: 0.0
#    Height: '3'
#    Allow floating: false
#    Optional: false
#    ReplaceBlock: '2'
#    Affected Blocks:
#      - 0
#      - 2
#      - 3
Fence Worlds:
    Material: '0'
    Cost Multiplier: 0
    Height: '0'
    Allow floating: false
    Optional: false
    ReplaceBlock: '0'
    Affected Blocks:
      - 0


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