Potion Master

PotionMaster allows you to add potion effects to any player in your server, including altering the modifier effects.

How to set up

Drag and drop the PotionsMaster.jar into your plugin folder. Starting / Restarting the server will create a default configuration file found in "Plugins/buffs/config.yml" From here, you can add new premade buffs. Here is an annotated example.

admin: # the name of the alias
  modifier: 3 # "Strength" of the potion
  duration: 60 # how long in seconds the effect will last for
  bufftypes: # this is a list of the effects to add.
  - fast
  - fastdig
  - jump
  - regen
  - fireresist

Adding permissions

There are 5 nodes for PotionsMaster.

potions.buff - allows players to buff themselves and others with the premade buffs found in the config file

potions.buffall - allows players to perform /buff {alias} *

potions.debuff  - allows the player to remove all effects from either themselves or another player.

potions.reload - reloads the config file

potions.custombuff -  allows the player to create an effect with any modifier, time limit or type they want, and either inflict it on themselves or another player


List of commands:

/buff [alias] {player} adds all the predefined effects under the name of [alias] to the {player} (or themselves if no player is specified)

/buff [alias] * buffs all the players on the server

/debuff {player} removes all effects from a player

/custombuff {player} [id] [modifier] [time] adds the effect [id] to {player} with modifier [modifier] and for time (seconds) [time]

/reloadbuffs reloads the config file

Final notes:

Some of the speed and jump potions make nocheat go crazy. Also some effects don't work. (such as no breathe etc)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 2, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 10, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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