Potion Armor

This is a plugin that my friends I work with say they cannot find online without a ridiculous amount of bugs.

Potion Armor --about

The main purpose of this is to make it where you, the server administration can have items, with whatever lore you like, to give potion effects to you, your staff team, or players.

I made it a point to make this plugin as customizable as much as I thought I could, from the lore to the Level of the enchant. There are no messages that send.




This is similar to how the config looks like
BannerBlock: true

This blocks the duplication of banners, so you can use this plugin on banners. Set false to allow. Override is op. Can add a perm to that if anyone requests.
OffHand: true

This turns on and off the off hand part of this plugin, so no effects will happen if it is in the off hand
MainHand: true

This turns on and off the off main part of this plugin, so no effects will happen if it is in the main hand
Armour: true

This turns on and off the armor part of this plugin, so no effects will happen if you equip any item in the armour slots to player

Enable: true
Level: 17
- OffHand
Level: 1
LevelInGame: true
- OffHand
- MainHand
- Armor


This is how each of the effects section looks

So let us start with how to read it. I went off of the bukkit effect names found here.

Enable part enables that effect to be used, so if you don't ever want Speed, just set that to false.

The list is a list of possible lores for the plugin to give the effect to.

And the Level section after it is the level. If you don't add a level, it should default to level 1 effects.

On the list you CAN have the same one on multiple effects. So if you want a ninja to have speed and jumpboost, you add it to both with their respective level you want.


The LevelInGame section allows you, when you lore the item, add a number after it to change the level. 

If you forget that number, it should default to whatever level you have in the config for it


The Slot section allows you to make it offhand only, main hand, or armor slots only, or the combination of them all


I also uploaded this project to spigot. But should be able to maintain from both the bukkit page and the spigot page

Known bugs

If you have I believe per world inventory. If you change gamemodes then change back with the item in a different hand slot, it will bug the effect stuck on


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 9, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Aug 27, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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