PostalService About

Postal Service is a mail plugin offering a level of fun, ease of use, and flexibility never available before. Postal Service mixes the best elements of traditional mail and e-mail in an entirely new, visual way and pushes the envelope even further by providing unique ways for players to communicate, share, and trade. By utilizing a GUI and the latest features of Minecraft, the days of memorizing commands, limited functionality, and chat cluttering menus are gone.

Please note: PostalService currently requires a database to function. You can take a look at the full list of requirements below. Features

Designed with user-experience in mind

PostalService is almost entirely GUI based, and the commands that are needed are made easy with the use of interactive chat messages and tab completion. PostalService even supports writing longer messages in books!

Send just about anything

PostalService can handle different mail types, allowing practically anything to be sent as mail. PostalService comes with 4 built-in mail types and other developers can create their own mail types too! Don't want a particular mail type? No worries! Every mail type can be disabled in the config.
Four built-in mail types:

  • Letter - a text only message.
  • Package - in-game items.
  • Payment - in-game money. (Requires Vault)
  • Experience - XP points (not levels)


PostalService allows you to register chests as mailboxes. Clicking a mailbox opens up the main menu where you can read your mail. You can even require a mailbox to be nearby when players send mail, making mailboxes the hub of all mail related activities.

Multi-world support

For those who have worlds or universes that don't share inventories, xp, currency,etc, you can define "world groups" where mail sent within a world group can only be claimed in that world group.

Permissions for everything

Whether you want only certain permission groups to be able to send a particular mail type, or you want to give permission groups different inbox sizes, PostalService has your back. (Group settings require Vault).

100% translatable with full localization support

Every bit of text, including commands, is phrased in a localization file. Edit it to your hearts content. You can also format and localize time stamps however you like. Players can also set their own timezone settings individually, because not everyone plays in the same timezone, right?

UUID Support

Players can change their name as much as they want without losing their mail data. Disclaimer.

Update Safe

Given there isn't any major API changes, PostalService does not need to be updated after every Minecraft/Bukkit/Spigot update.

Easy Updates

PostalService automatically checks for updates and will alert you when one is available with a button to download the update for you. Too lazy to click the button? New updates can also be automatically downloaded! You can have the auto-downloader download all updates, only minor bugfix updates to your current version, or download none at all! Disclaimer.

Metrics Tracking

This helps to give an idea of how the plugin is being used which in turn gives direction on shaping new features. Disclaimer. Requirements

  • Bukkit/Spigot 1.7+
  • Java 7+
  • MySQL Database Getting Started

  1. Place PostalService in your server's plugins folder. If you plan to use the Payment mail type or permission group settings, make sure Vault is installed as well.
  2. Restart your server to allow PostalService to generate the default config OR get a copy of the config here and save it to /plugins/PostalService/.
    Note: If a config doesn't exist the first time the plugin loads, PostalService will generate the default config file and then disable itself because it needs valid database credentials.
  3. Update the database settings and edit other settings in the config to your liking.
  4. Restart your server.
  5. Assign permissions to players. Future Additions

  • Trading Post. A Trade GUI for two players that live updates as player add items to trade. (Nearing completion)
  • Send mail to all players as server
  • Shipping costs and times
  • Mailbox location integration with Dynmap

I welcome your feedback! Drop me a comment telling me what you think. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to submit a ticket with a feature request.

If you have found a bug, issue, or error, please submit a ticket rather than leaving a comment! Players who post errors or file contents straight into a comment will be ignored and comments may be deleted.

Looking for the Spigot page for Postal Service? Here you go!

Love PostalService? Please consider contributing to the pizza and drinks fund. I deeply appreciate your support. Thank you!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 30, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jun 18, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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