Possess Me


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Latest Download (1.0.4)

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  • Added Check to make sure player doesn't try to possess themselves (produced error before)
  • Added extra isOp check so OPs can not be possessed, with or without the the permission.
  • Not sure if some people may of wanted the above feature, so I added a config to change it.
  • Removed unneeded event hook
  • Added possess-inventory config.


Dieing while possessed causes some issues. I hope to fix it in next update.


This plugin allows you to possess the target player.
Currently you can:

  • Your Inventory changes to theirs
  • Their inventory changes whenever you change it
  • Your movements becomes their movements.
  • You are invisible to them. Completely.
  • Whenever you type, its their name
  • Whenever the Slave types, its a whisper to you. Nobody else can see the message.
  • Whenever you do a command, its as if they did a command (/kill, exc)
  • When you open a chest/crafting table/furnace it opens for them. (also closes)


Drag and drop Installation. Afterword do a restart or reload.
Then edit the config file made to your liking.


show-possession-notice: true
If set the true (default) then there will be a notice to the person being possessed. If set to false they will not know who possessed them, and should never know. Unless you tell them.

possess-chat: true
If set to true (default) it will allow you to chat as if you where the player. This will also cause the person being possessed to not be able to talk. They can only talk directly to you through a Whisper. If set to false then you will talk as yourself, and they can talk as themselves.

possess-commands: true
If set to true (default), and commands you do will change the person who did the command to the possessed player. So if you type /kill it wont kill you, it will kill them. This should work for any command, even other plugin commands. If set to false then any command the "Controller" does, will happen to the "Slave".

possess-inventory: true
If set the true (default) Possessing will also possess inventorys. This includes any syncness with inventorys, crafting windows opening, and does not disable the picking up of items. I may in the future expand this config into more broad terms.

possess-op-without-cantbepossessed-permission: false
If set to false (default) OPs can not be possessed at all. If set to true, OPs without possessme.cantbepossessed can be possessed.



  • /possess <name>
  • The Possession Command. Requires possessme.commands perm.
  • /unpossess
  • To Unpossess yourself. Requires possessme.commands perm.
  • /possessreload
  • Reloads the plugin itself, meant for config changes. Requires possessme.commands perm.


  • possessme.commands
  • Gives use to the commands
  • possessme.cantbepossessed
  • players with the permission can not be possessed.


  • Add config to remove possession notice.
  • An idea I had was when someone possesses a player, that persons body will be replaced with a virtual npc to pretend to have not moved or be involved in anything.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 26, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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