Create portals like those in Valve's Portal to simulate your own Aperture Science! Use the portal gun (diamond pants) to create a pair of linked portals in distant locations, then travel through them. Each player has they own portal set. Portals are meant to be temporary means of transportation, to travel over medium-short distances.
Wield diamond pants, these are the "portal gun"
Type /portal enable to enable use of the pants as the portal gun
Left/right click (just like Portal) to place your portals.
Right click the resulting portal signs to travel through.
Video (thanks to damnnicholas): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xm5PI-xxQc
- /portal enable
Enables use of diamond pants as the portal gun
- /portal disable
Disables the portal gun
- /portal reset
Close both portals
- portal.portal
All commands, for now
- 0.1.3 | First release on BukkitDev (Yes, I know, weird version for a first release. I went through several bug fixes while testing on a server I administrate.)
- 0.1.4 | Added configurable portal gun item.
- 0.1.5 | Players now face the correct direction coming out of a portal.
- 0.1.6 | Portal signs are now unbreakable.
- 0.2.0 | Updated to the new event system.
- 0.2.1 | Fixed signs not having any text when created with the portal gun, which broke everything.
Coming Soon:
- Config option for portals disabling on logout.
- Portal-free regions (WorldGuard integration?)
#forgeuser7529721 are you STUPID WHAT IS THE GAME VERSION
what the game version ???????
Why doesn't anyone update this plugin? iPureFX, you need to update.
Click on the Repository Tab up at the top, that will give you links to the SVN repositories that the source is kept in.
Where is source I want to update
Sorry, I'm not updating my Bukkit plugins anymore. The source is available if you can find a developer who would want to continue the project.
This mod is awesome!
Very fun mod, thanks for making it!
Well, you could try contacting the author of StackableItems, that's not my plugin. Also, if it might be a conflict between the two plugins, you could post the entire error, so I can see if it is caused by Portal.
In reply to _ForgeUser7529721: eh
it wont work it tells me "Could not pass event to PlayerInteractEvent to StackableItems" and idk what to do :(
Okay, I think I fixed the problem in 0.2.1. That error you have is something completely unrelated, you may want to contact the plugin author about it though.
When I right click the portal, my console says, "Could not pass event to PlayerInteractEvent to StackableItems'. It shouldn't be StackableItems' fault because the portal mod wasn't working for me even before I installed StackableItems,
Have you checked the console for an error message? If there was one there, post it and I'll see what I can do.
I don't get why mine doesn't work. I can place both portals alright, but when I right-click a portal, nothing happens. I tried using hands, placeable blocks, weapons, and the gun itself.
Very very nice plugin, we use this on my server. If you'd like to see how we use it, come check it out, we're friendly. mc.ojacraft.tk
Sure, may I ask why you want it?
I'll see if I can integrate it with WorldGuard or something for regions. About the actual portal item, having it be anything other than signs would mean a lot of stuff would have to change... I'll see what I can do.
thatd be great.... and also I hate to sound picky but Id love to see a feature that restricts this in certain regions, so people dont spawn portals in my spawn protected area (maybe hook into worldgaurd?)
Also having their portals close when they enter restricted areas would be nice too!
And also a configurable portal item (id like to set it to item 90, the actual portal block :P)
just some suggestions! I hope you consider them :D
Please release the source code for this.
No and yes. I suppose I should update this... I'll a config option for portals disabling upon logout if you want.