Commands & Permissions

This page is partially incomplete and will be updated with the next release of PopulationDensity to reflect some major permission changes. Some permissions and features not currently listed may be on the Administration Page

/WhichRegionTells you which region you're in.No Perm
/MoveInSets your home region.No Perm
/HomeRegionTeleports you home.No Perm
/InviteToRegionInvites a player to teleport to your home. Useful for unnamed regions.
/AcceptRegionInviteAccepts the above invitation.No Perm
/VisitRegionTeleports you to the region you specify.No Perm
/NewestRegionTeleports you to the newest, most active region.populationdensity.newestregion
/RandomRegionTeleports you to a random region.No Perm
/CityRegionTeleports you to the city, if your server has one.No Perm
/AddRegionCloses the current open region and opens a new one.populationdensity.addregion
/AddRegionPostRegenerates the region post in the region you're in.populationdensity.addregion
/NameRegionNames the wilderness region you're in.populationdensity.renameregion
/ReNameRegionRenames the region you're in.populationdensity.nameregion
/ListRegionsLists all region names.populationdensity.listregions
/loginprioritySets a player's login priority for the login queue.populationdensity.setloginpriority
/thinentitiesForces entity thinning to run immediately.populationdensity.forcethinning
/SendRegionSends a player to a specified region. If no region is specified, the player goes to his home region.populationdensity.sendregion

Use a reserved administrator login slot.populationdensity.adminlogin
Grants a player permission to idle (without being kicked)populationdensity.idle