PointRun is a minigame that is like TNTRun, but with a slightly changed mechanics and win conditions.
Players start and every block that they step on dissapears, some block types give you points. When player falls he is moved to spectators. The player with most points wins.
Diamond ore - 6 points
Emerald ore - 5 points
Redstone ore - 4 points
Iron ore - 3 points
Gold ore - 2 points
Lapis ore - 1 point.
- Multiple arenas
- Block destroy delay
- AntiCamping system
- Custom messages
- Formatting codes support
- Signs
- Time limit
- Automatic arena regeneration
- Arena leave checker
- Player rewards
Game commands:
/pr list - list all arenas
/pr join {arena} - join arena (can be disallowed by giving player pointrun.onlysignjoin permission)
/pr leave - leave current arena
/pr vote - vote for current arena start
/pr lobby - teleport to lobby
Arena setup commands:
Permssion: pointrun.setup
Main setup commands
Use worldedit for selections, built-in slection system is broken for now.
Build gamelevel blocks yourself, anything under player feet breaks.
/prsetup create {arena} - create {arenaname}
/prsetup setarena {arena} - set bounds of the arena (if player leaves arena bounds while in game, he automatically loses)
/prsetup setloselevel {arena} - set looselevel bounds
/prsetup setspawn {arena} - set players spawnpoint at location you are standing at.
/prsetup setspectate {arena} - set spectators spawnpoint at location you are standing at.
/prsetup finish {arena} - finish arena creation and save it.
Additional setup commands
/prsetup setgameleveldestroydelay {arena} {ticks} - add a delay before gamelevel block is destoyed after player stepped on it. (default: 2)
/prsetup setmaxplayers {arena} {player} - set max players for this arena (default: 6)
/prsetup setminplayers {arena} {players} - set min players for this arena (default: 2)
/prsetup setvotepercent {arena} {0<votepercent<1} - set the percent of votes requered to start the game for this arena (default: 0.75)
/prsetup settimelimit {arena} {seconds} - set the time limit for arena.
/prsetup setcountdown {arena} {seconds} - set countdown time for arena
/prsetup setitemsrewards {arena} - sets everithing what you have in your inventory as a reward for winning
/prsetup setmoneyrewards {arena} {amount} - sets money rewards (vault is required for this)
/prsetup setteleport {arena} {previous/lobby} - teleports player to pre-join or to lobby location after player lose
/prsetup setdamage {arena} {on/off/zero} - sets pvp state in the arena (on - full damage, zero - zero damage, off - no attack at all)
/prsetup reloadbars - reload configbars.yml
/prsetup reloadmsg - reload configmsg.yml
Arena managment commands
/prsetup enable {arena} - enable the arena
/prsetup disable {arena} - disable the arena
/prsetup delete {arena} - delete arena
Permission to set lobby: pointrun.setup
/prsetup setlobby - sets a lobby at your location
Permission to create signs: pointrun.setup
Join sign format:
1st line: [PointRun]
2nd line: [Join]
3rd line: arenaname
Leave sign format:
1st line: [PointRun]
2nd line: [Leave]
Vote sign format:
1st line: [PointRun]
2nd line: [Vote]
You can use worldedit for selections instead of built-in selection.
Install BarAPI to get awesome bars while in game.
Downloads area and source code:
source code
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
so because admins have the ability to give the permssion they cant join?
@Anshall4 The plugin is already automated.
Your admins can't join because you gave them permission pointrun.onlysignjoin or they are op.
Ah ok. Is there any chance in the near future that it will be fully automated or have admins able to join? There is a plugin called bcSpleef and its fully automated and admins can join idk exactly how to program a plugin or anything but is there any chance you could take coding or something from that one and add it to point runner?
@Anshall4 I didn't test signs before releasing plugin, so they may not work.
@heroboy04 Will be fixed later.
there are some problems 1- can't use the command with the plugin tntrun when I do what I have to do the sign be for tntrun ! 2- sometimes don't let me spectate 3- sometimes if there is only one in the game the game don't end just when the time end !
still couldnt use the sign and there was no error message
We give who the permissions who/what doesnt need?
Check the console, error should be there.
YOu admins can't join because you give them the permissions they don't need.
Also why cant admins join?
I deopped myself Couldnt use the sign still and i used the command and all it did was teleport me to the arena and said that im not in arena when i tried /pr vote or /pr leave. Im using the latest build and I set it up properly and enabled it. I dont know what to do
Oh , they released th .10 :D :p
@heroboy04 Pointrun is compatible only with version 1.7.10 latest builds.
@Anshall4 Deop yourself.
here's the log http://pastebin.com/BLY10NqZ
as Shevchikden told me before to use the command you have to deop your self ! :D
i removed the permission pointrun.onlysignjoin didnt work
Do i need to use a permission?
The arena finished and enabled I try joining with the command it said i need a sign i made the sign and then i click it with an empty hand and nothing happens. Do i need to set up the additional options? the sign looks correct and it has the 0/6 I tried it in creative mode and survival mode and adventure mode
one more thing. I tried /pr join (arena name) and it said to use a sign. I made a join sign and i click on it with an empty hand and doesnt do anything
alright thank you so much sorry if i troubled you
so lose level would be right under the arena to the ground? and setting the bounds to the arena would be pos1 pos2 the whole arena right?