
Easily create and remove points in Minecraft Overviewer without the hassle of manually editing the Overviewer configuration file! This plugin allows players to manage a list of Overviewer manualpoi definitions from within the Minecraft server.


After loading the plugin, the config.yml file in the plugin's subdirectory must be edited to reflect your server's Overviewer setup (Defaults almost guaranteed not to work on your system!):

  • poifile = path to the file in which the point list is stored. Defaults to poiMan.py (in server's main directory). Do not set this to your Overviewer config file! This file will act as a module to be imported to your config. The file does not need to exist already; POIManager can create it.
  • renderCommand = list of Strings which define the command to be run when refreshing the map. The first string is the command and the rest are arguments. I would recommend using Overviewer's --genPOI option instead of re-rendering the map tiles. You can also specify a script here (bash, batch, etc.) instead of overviewer.py. If you do use overviewer.py as the renderCommand make sure to include your config file with the --config= argument.

Then, for the plugins to show up in your map, you must edit your Overviewer config file. First, add:

sys.path.append("directory where you stored the poi file")
from poi_filename import manPOIList

Where poi_filename is the name of your chosen poifile without the ".py" extension. If you use the default, this would be poiMan. To get Overviewer to load your points, you must add:

'manualpois': manPOIList,

to your render definition. Note that you must also define filterFunctions and a list of marker dictionaries for Overviewer to display your points. You can learn how to do this over at Overviewer's Documentation. You can define any filterFunctions you want, and they will operate on the list generated by POIManager.

See here for a simple example Overviewer configuration: Example


Point Modification

  • /newpoi - create a new point definition
    • /newpoi <id> here <name>
    • /newpoi <id> <x,y,z> <name>
  • /deletepoi - delete the specified point definition
    • /deletepoi <name>
  • /modifypoi - modify a property of a point
    • /modifypoi <property (id,x,y,z,or name)> <value> <name>


  • /listpoi - show a list of points, optionally filtered
    • /listpoi [property (id,x,y,z,or name)] [value (integer or string)]
  • /refreshpoi - update the Overviewer map. Note that the other commands call this automagically.


  • /telepoi - teleport to specified point
    • /telepoi <name>
  • /navpoi - navigate to specified point using a compass
    • /navpoi <name>



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