PDEK/Scoreboard Creator Kit

This kit allow you to create custom scoreboard (animated socoreboard is not allowed yet).

To make a scoreboard with this kit, you need create a new instance of ScoreboardCreator class.

In this example, is maked a scoreboard where player join, a on enter server scoreboard.

scoreboard example

In this image:

"this" is the plugin main class instance

"thisisatest" is the scoreboardname 

"dummy" is the criteria of scoreboard

"&4The best scoreboard" is the title of the scoreboard, with a color, all the texts that user can see can be the color changed

"&2Hello" is the first score

"&5" is other score

and "genScoreBoard()" method gen the scoreboard for the player


if you need a score in different position you can use the "setScore(String score, int arg0);" method, the string is the text and the arg0 is the position.


To remove a scoreboard, you can use the method of Player interface "player.getScoreboard().getObjective(DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR).unregister();"


To see more about scoreboard criterias, see the minecraft fandom wiki, index: 1.1., you can access clicking here