Plotty 2

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

What is Plotty v2?

Plotty v2 is a plot management plugin made for InfinitePlots. The plugin requires WorldGuard for the protection of plots. Plotty v1 is the version that I made before this which was buggy, had a bad way of storing data and was generally not the best of plugins. Plotty v2 is a completely re-written and re-thought version with some cool new features and a lot less bugs.


  • Full plot protection
  • Automatic plot finding OR manual plot finding (with /plot claim)
  • Plot voting system
  • Global list (with plot opt-out feature)
  • Plot friends
  • Built-in teleportation system
  • & many, many more features.


Plotty uses MCStats' MetricsLite to collect information and statistics about the plugin. Credit for this goes to Hidendra who allows for use of this in plugins. To find out more, visit You can opt-out at any time. To opt-out, navigate to /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and change "opt-out" to true.

Plotty v1.x Migration

To migrate plots from Plotty v1.x, copy all the old Plotty configs to plugins/Plotty and use the command "/plot migrate" when standing in a plots world. If the world configured in the old config exists, Plotty v2 will put migrated plots there. Otherwise, it will use the first world configured in plots.json (see Setup).



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