PlayerVIP is a new VIP-Plugin to promote Members to VIPs (or Premiums). The Difference to all other VIP-Plugins: The VIP code allows your players for a certain time to be VIP. If the time expires, the players returned to the Member Rank. You can also create with this Plugin an instant Payment System for your Server to sell VIP-Codes. But notice: Every VIP-Code can used only one time.
- LordLib
- Java 7
- Vault (optional but recommend)
- Download the Plugin
- Download LordLib
- Put both jar Files into your plugins Folder
- Start your Server (at First Startup there will be an Error. This is normal, because you dont already configured this Plugin)
- Configure PlayerVIP
- (Optional) Configure LordLib
- restart or reload PlayerVIP or the Server
- Its ready to use
Development Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
There are no support, if you are using Development Builds. They can not work correctly or can crash your PlayerVIP-Plugin and/or the used Database
Supported Languages
- English (en)
- German (de)
- Spanish (es) - Thanks to Airos18
You created a language File for another language? You can send it to me and i will implement it into my Plugin with credits to you
The ErrorLogger is a new Feature since PlayerVIP 3.0.0-b57. This will log all your Activities with this Plugin (only with this Plugin) for a short time.
If there will be thrown an Error: The ErrorLogger will notice this in the most case and write the informations into the plugins/PlayerVIP/error.log.
You can disable the ErrorLogger in your config.yml File. Also you can allow the ErrorLogger to auto upload the error.log file to my Server ( to allow me to fix these errors (Auto Upload is disabled by default. This can be enabled in plugins/LordLib/config.yml)
To help me to fix errors, its recommend to send me the error.log file (you can do this also manually by copy the content and paste it into the Ticket Section)
This Plugin can connect to to check for newer Versions. This Plugin can only check for a newer Version and its not able to auto-download them. You can enable/disable this feature in the config.yml (EnableFeatures -> Updater: true (enable) or false (disable)).
Tutorial - Creating PlayerVIP Addons (English) by LordPlays
Tutorial - PlayerVIP Addons erstellen (German) by LordPlays
German by LordPlays (Version: 3.0.1-b67)
English by LordPlays (Version: 3.0.1-b64)
Spanish by Yan Francisco Perez (Version: 2.2.2)
German by LordDead24 (Version: 2.1.0)
Thai by ShakeStudio (Version: 1.5.1)
Payment Implementation
Paypal German by LordPlays
Version 3.2.0 (Release-Date: Unknown)
- Fast VIPSync (sync in less than 1 second of all your servers, less ressources than SyncType 1)
- Better /vip list (search for special Groups)
- Option to change from UUID to internal PlayerID (this will cause no problems with onlinemode=false)
- Fix problem with CheckType=1, PlayerJoinCheck for multiple groups
- Command to start a VIP-Check
Unknown Versions:
- Update Payment Page - Add support for Paysafecard (not sure currently)
- Website to handle VIP (grant, purge, show Status of VIP from all Players) [Optional, you dont need to join your server to set VIP]
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
This Error is already reported and will be fixxed in the next update
When I join, (im OP) this Error turns up in the Console:
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [INFO] Br4tapf3l[/] logged in with entity id 557854 at ([PvP_Map] 51.07648205113452, 109.36445605997292, 19.6034310132294)
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE]
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at Source)
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at Source)
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at de.lordsill.playervip.playervip.checkUpdates(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at de.lordsill.playervip.playervip.onPlayerJoin(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor309.invoke(Unknown Source)
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at$1.execute(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.TimedRegisteredListener.callEvent(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.PlayerList.c(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.PlayerList.a(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.PendingConnection.d(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.PendingConnection.c(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.spigotmc.MultiplexingServerConnection.b(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.r(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.DedicatedServer.r(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.MinecraftServer.q(
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at
16:54:40 CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at
If you need a test server use That's my server i will keep this plugin up-to-date.
reicht wenn du nur die playervip.jar updatest. Die andere mysql.jar brauchst du nichtmal mehr für playervip
muss ich da selbst die lib updaten oder was ändern oder macht das plugin das selbst wenn ich die jar reinhaue?
du weisst... wenn bei mir was schief geht meckern viele ^^
Then you used an old version of the database :/ I will create an upgrade.php this week and will upload it. So the Database will be upgraded to the newest version. (Sometimes, the plugin ignores to execute this code :/)
You used a wrong command. See Ticket for the correct one. I will add Support for GroupName next Update (at the moment only GroupID is useable)
Please see my ticket:
Sorry for wasting you time so much.. Setup the mysql successfully, downloaded the latest files. Generating works, even with inserting to MySQL. But, it keeps saying that the code is invalid,I think its because of my generate call..
I use: GenerateCode("30", "0") I tried to replace 0 with VIP, or anything. What should I type here? When I type here 0 or 1, it just says error in console that unknown column GROUP ID in Field list...
Any clues? Sorry once more, for wasting your time.
yes, you need mysql. There are the Codes saved, that PlayerVIP will use to allow access to VIP. The old check by WebPage are discontinued, because its similar to MYSQL. But direct Check for mysql is faster than checking the code through PHP.
So enable MySQL and write the Code (do you use my php-code?) into the mysql-database. If you dont know how, you can see examples on my PHP-Scripts, that writes the generated Code into MySQL. In my youtube video you can get the newest php-scripts, created for the actually database. So the old Scripts (from old PlayerVIP-Versions) dont work anymore in case of some changes in PlayerVIP. Next Time, i will include the PHP-Files directly to download at DevBukkit with a new version of PlayerVIP
No, thats the problem. I don't get any error, it just does nothing. Like it even not received the command. I don't have enabled mysql or sqlite, because I use it with the php on the web. Maybe things has changed from the last time I used it, and I setup it wrong, but it would atleast say anything.
Do I need to setup mysql even if I use the php system?
get SexyBear a message like "wrong Code"? Do you use mysql instead of sqlite? No Connection Errors to mysql-database (at startup)? write the .php File to the correct Database and Table?
For best answers to my questions, you will have to test als steps through. Send a test-sms and show, if the code is inserted into the Database. If its, then test to use this code ingame. If not, there are some buggs or errors by writing into the Database (the generated code)
Hello.. I've came accross a little problem.. All worked well, but now I have installed bukkit 1.5.1 r0.2, with latest PlayerVIP.
My system works like player sends sms, he receives code, it works good. But when I type the /vip code CODE command, it just does not react. I think the config is written correctly, the url to the .php files is correct..
Thats what just McMyAdmin says:
Its just that it received the command, but it did nothing with it. The PlayerVIP does not return any error, it just does not do anything, and yes, its running, I can do /vip command without any problems.
Do you have any ideas, what it can be? Thanks for any suggestion :)
Du kannst ruhig updaten...
Es hat halt nur kleine Änderungen an der Lib gegenüber deiner Specialversion. Und halt die API... Ansonsten ist nix anders an der 1.7 gegenüber der Specialversion.
Wobei man die Specialversion wohl eher Pre-Release-Version nennen könnte :D
hiho... sag mal
funktioniert das neue plugin mit meinen specialversionen?
oder kann ich da nicht updaten?
oh, thank you for working for it
it'll be fantastic
im already working on 1.7 for bukkit 1.5.1
hey, please make this for 1.5.1 version
hi mein gudda, kann es sein dass das plugin sich keinen eigenen alias erstellt wenn man es über mysql laufen lässt?
hab jetzt alles eingetragen wie es laufen sollte, funktioniert aber leider nicht...
er kann nicht in die mysql schreiben weil kein table für ihn erstellt wurde.
please test on spigot 1.5.1
Hi, nice work :)
I tested a minute, If the player sticks code behind group 1,2,3 Not always changes his range. The range is always changing player when it did not have before, and pockets the code only once. If it happens only when the time was too short to reload the plugin this ok.
But if this situation will not be repeated when the player as the next day will be hammered code from another rank? Just out of curiosity because it is stuck to the codes did not go to the player who previously used a different code. The correct code, status did not change.
I hope that you understand any of my weak English; d
Edit: Pfffff my facepalm ;d
I already know what's going on, adds a few ranks and are in permission all... It's hard to sometimes thought hihi