PlayerVIP is a new VIP-Plugin to promote Members to VIPs (or Premiums). The Difference to all other VIP-Plugins: The VIP code allows your players for a certain time to be VIP. If the time expires, the players returned to the Member Rank. You can also create with this Plugin an instant Payment System for your Server to sell VIP-Codes. But notice: Every VIP-Code can used only one time.
- LordLib
- Java 7
- Vault (optional but recommend)
- Download the Plugin
- Download LordLib
- Put both jar Files into your plugins Folder
- Start your Server (at First Startup there will be an Error. This is normal, because you dont already configured this Plugin)
- Configure PlayerVIP
- (Optional) Configure LordLib
- restart or reload PlayerVIP or the Server
- Its ready to use
Development Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
There are no support, if you are using Development Builds. They can not work correctly or can crash your PlayerVIP-Plugin and/or the used Database
Supported Languages
- English (en)
- German (de)
- Spanish (es) - Thanks to Airos18
You created a language File for another language? You can send it to me and i will implement it into my Plugin with credits to you
The ErrorLogger is a new Feature since PlayerVIP 3.0.0-b57. This will log all your Activities with this Plugin (only with this Plugin) for a short time.
If there will be thrown an Error: The ErrorLogger will notice this in the most case and write the informations into the plugins/PlayerVIP/error.log.
You can disable the ErrorLogger in your config.yml File. Also you can allow the ErrorLogger to auto upload the error.log file to my Server ( to allow me to fix these errors (Auto Upload is disabled by default. This can be enabled in plugins/LordLib/config.yml)
To help me to fix errors, its recommend to send me the error.log file (you can do this also manually by copy the content and paste it into the Ticket Section)
This Plugin can connect to to check for newer Versions. This Plugin can only check for a newer Version and its not able to auto-download them. You can enable/disable this feature in the config.yml (EnableFeatures -> Updater: true (enable) or false (disable)).
Tutorial - Creating PlayerVIP Addons (English) by LordPlays
Tutorial - PlayerVIP Addons erstellen (German) by LordPlays
German by LordPlays (Version: 3.0.1-b67)
English by LordPlays (Version: 3.0.1-b64)
Spanish by Yan Francisco Perez (Version: 2.2.2)
German by LordDead24 (Version: 2.1.0)
Thai by ShakeStudio (Version: 1.5.1)
Payment Implementation
Paypal German by LordPlays
Version 3.2.0 (Release-Date: Unknown)
- Fast VIPSync (sync in less than 1 second of all your servers, less ressources than SyncType 1)
- Better /vip list (search for special Groups)
- Option to change from UUID to internal PlayerID (this will cause no problems with onlinemode=false)
- Fix problem with CheckType=1, PlayerJoinCheck for multiple groups
- Command to start a VIP-Check
Unknown Versions:
- Update Payment Page - Add support for Paysafecard (not sure currently)
- Website to handle VIP (grant, purge, show Status of VIP from all Players) [Optional, you dont need to join your server to set VIP]
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Doesnt work with craftbukkit 1.6.2 -R0.1
When do you think 2.0 version will release?
Thanks! :)
Thats a thing, Ive got it translated but still default message is shown as I said bellow.
Edit: Wierd, now it is working as intended. Guess maybe just some glitch.
getVIP: 'You are {GROUP} now!' line 48
When player is promoted he gets message "You are GRUPE now." is not present in message file so cant be edited nor translated.
EDIT: I did set this: Command: Enable: true Commands: 'broadcast &2Hrac &6{PLAYER} &2si zkoupil VIP! Dekujeme za podporu!' Then i reloaded config, but nothing happen when i set VIP :(.
Already possible:
Add to the Commands-List:
for example:
say {PLAYER} is now VIP
the {PLAYER} will be converted to the Playername by the plugin
Would you please add message that would all players see when someone activate VIP?
There is a new Script required, because the old only works with paypal.
I already uploaded a non-Paypal Script. With this, its only required to enter E-Mail and Username to get a Code (no PayPal or other Payment-Systems)
@lordsill can you please explain me how to remove the paypal function and only make it that the person have to put their email in only to get a key becaus i cant get it to work.
So how do you remove the paypal aspect from it
Das kam dann heute von PayPal :-)
Guten Tag <Name>!
Bitte überprüfen Sie den Server, der für sofortige Zahlungsbestätigungen von PayPal eingesetzt wird. Die an folgende URL(s) gesendeten Nachrichten haben den/die Empfänger nicht erreicht:
Ich bin es noch mal. Ich habe noch mal das Paypal Plugin getestet und genau die Dateien angeschaut.
Was Du erwähnen solltest, und das ist nicht im Video, das steht nur in der gen.php, ist das diese "CHMOD 777" habe sollte.
Habe ich gemacht.
Dann habe ich das ganze, genau wie im Video mit einem Testaccount bei PayPal getestet.
Klappt wunderbar. Code und alles wird generiert und E-Mail verschickt.
Ich habe das ganze dann nochmal "scharf" geschaltet. (Ich und meine Frau haben PayPal)
Dort wird dann kein Code generiert, und auch nicht in die Tabelle geschrieben und es wird auch keine Mail versendet mit Code.
Ausser die E-Mail mit der Bezahlbestätigung von PayPal kommt an.
(Ich habe erst mal mit 10 Cent probiert :-) )
Okay if its possible @ lordsill how can i do it or can you explain me how? if you want to contact me here's my irc page
Could you inform me about the command list'
When a player be vip1 then /vip code XXX, will become vip1 and receive $100,000 and the /title set vip1
Vip2 will receive $200,000 and the /title set vip2
How can i add those command
1. eco give {PLAYER} 100000 / 200000 2. title set vip1 /vip2
Commands: '' #List of Commands
yes, its possible.
So okay now im using this plugin it totaly rocks for real but i dont like the paypal side of it, is it possible to remove the paypal side and when they press the button they have to put in their email so they get a vip code though that is that possible?
BTW sorry if im doing it like this becaus you dont have a irc chan or website so i have to do it like this.
yes. the time will be incresed for 3 days.
For example: VIP bought for 30 days, 7 days are left and he entered a new code for 3 days, he will have 10 days vip left
What happen when player already got VIP activated lets say for 25 days and enter code for 3 VIP days? Will it merge so he will got 28 days? Thanks
Eiträge wurden nicht in die DB geschrieben. Ich habe es mit dem Devacc von Paypal gemacht und dan sogar zwei richtige PayPal Accounts zur verfügung. Die Zahlung wird abgewickelt, aber der Code nicht verschickt.