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The hardest part about joining a new server is learning how the admins have it set up. PlayerTutorials solves this problem in a very fun way with the introduction of custom tutorials that players can be sent to upon joining the server or via commands. PlayerTutorials can be used to display rules, show players where to go, or even just tell them a little about the server. You can find this plugin on Spigot HERE.

Update Log (0.1.8)

  • ✔ Cross version compatibility! PlayerTutorials is now compatible with all 1.8.X versions of Minecraft.


  • 1.8.X Support - PlayerTutorials as of version 0.1.8 supports all versions of MC! Making it very convenient.
  • Automatic Tutorial On Join - Automatically send players to the tutorial when they join the server! This can be disabled in the config.
  • Completely Custom Messages - Unlike most plugins, PlayerTutorials does not have a prefix for every message advertizing the plugin. This makes it seem like it is custom just to the server.
  • Multiworld Support - Teleport players between worlds to show them around the server at every possible angle!
  • Full Color Code Support - Every message that is configurable supports color codes using the "&" symbol(except the config which uses the ";" symbol).
  • Custom Timing - Change the amount of time a person is at a certain point before they are teleported.
  • Command On Tutorial Completion - Want to give a player an item, money, or even even coins from your own plugins? Now you can. When the tutorial is finished, you can set it to execute a command that can be from any plugin. NOW WITH THE ABILITY TO ADD AS MANY COMMANDS AS YOU WANT!!! You could have over 10,000 commands in the config and it would still work.
  • Most Custom Plugin In The World! - Nearly every feature in PlayerTutorials is configurable! This adds for a truly unique experience that gives players the feel of a major network, but without the cost of hiring custom developers.
  • 1.8 Title/Subtitle/Action Bar Title support!!! - Make your tutorials and server look even more professional than ever with the addition of titles!
  • Welcome Messages! - Want to give players a warm welcome or tell them about some news that is happening on the server. Now you can! You can have up to 5 welcome messages saved at the same time. You can even set them to have one randomly selected so that they stay interested.
  • Automatic Updates! - Once you download PlayerTutorials, you never have to again. Each time a new version is released, the plugin is downloaded and installed.


  • /pt - Multipurpose command for PlayerTutorials
  • /pt help - Lists all available commands in PlayerTutorials
  • /pt createt - Allows a player to create and set a custom tutorial for new players
  • /sendtot - Allows a player to be sent or join your tutorial
  • /pt setpointt - Sets a point for the tutorial to teleport players too from your current location
  • /pt setmsgt - Sets a message to send players when they reach this point. This message is set to your default working point(the one you just created).
  • /pt setonpointt - Changes your current working point
  • /pt resett - Resets your tutorial
  • /pt savet - Saves your tutorial and finishes the process
  • /pt settitle - Sets a large 1.8 title to your current working point
  • /pt setsubtitle - Sets a medium sized 1.8 title to your current working point(requires the large title in order to display)
  • /pt setactiontitle - Sets a small 1.8 title to your current working point that is displayed right above your action bar
  • /pt createw - Creates a welcome message in one of 5 slots
  • /pt savew - Saves the welcome message you are creating
  • /pt deletew - Deletes a welcome message
  • /pt settitlew - Sets a title to your current welcome message
  • /pt setsubtitlew - Sets a subtitle to your current welcome message
  • /pt setactiontitlew - Sets a action bar title to your current welcome message


  • playert.create - Allows a player to create and set a custom tutorial for new players(only work on one tutorial at a time)
  • playert.join - Allows a player to join your tutorial

Config File

#Change this to true to enable automatic tutorial playing when a new player joins the server.
onJoin: false

#Change this number to how long (in seconds) you want a player to be at each point
timeBetweenTeleports: 5

#Message you want to send users when the tutorial is over(color codes are fully supported). DUE TO PROBLEMS WITH BUKKIT THE COLOR CODE SYMBOL IS ";" ONLY FOR THIS MESSAGE
endMsg: ;dYou have completed the tutorial!

#Change this to true to enable the command on the end of a tutorial
cmdOnEnd: false

#Change this to the command you want executed when the player finishes the tutorial(WITHOUT THE /). For instance, if you want to give them an item.
endCommand: give <player> dirt 1

#Gamemode you want the player to be in during the tutorial(ADVENTURE, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, SPECTATOR)

#Gamemode you want the player to be in after the tutorial(ADVENTURE, SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, SPECTATOR)

#Change this to true to enable sounds while a player is going through a tutorial. This makes things more interesting
sounds: true

#Set this to true to disable the join message for players that are being sent to a tutorial
noJoinMsgOnTT: true

#Change to true to disable players ability to chat while in a tutorial
noChatInTT: true

#Change to true to disable players ability to use commands while in a tutorial
noCmdInTT: true

#Change this to false to allow players to move while in a tutorial
cancelMove: true

#Set this to true to enable 1.8 title messages to be send to players when they join the server.
isWelcoming: true

#This is the tutorial number you want to send to players when they join. Set this to "random" to have a tutorial randomly selected from the ones you have made. YOU CAN ONLY USE "random" IF YOU HAVE A WELCOME MESSAGE SAVED IN EVERY SLOT.
welcomeMessage: default

#This prevents a player that has finished a tutorial from being rewarded a second time. Change this to "true" to allow players to be rewarded multiple times.
multipleRewards: false

Known Bugs

No Known Bugs. Please report them if you find any. Thanks!

Disabling Automatic Updates

To disable automatic updates, find the configuration option aptly named "auto-update", and change its value to false. You may also disabled auto updating in the configuration file located in the "Update" folder in your plugins directory.

Upcoming Updates/Suggestions

  • PlayerTutorials manager! A custom entity that when right clicked sends you to a tutorial
  • Ability to create larger messages by putting them in a text file.
  • Total movement cancel. This will cancel all movement by the player instead of the current way that makes them jump back to where they were.
Things That Are Going To Be In Next Update


Want something to be added? Have a suggestion? Feel free to write a comment below!

Donation Info

Like the plugin? Please consider donating so I can create even better and even more plugins for you guys! You can donate by clicking the button at the top of the page or by clicking HERE.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 8, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Sep 26, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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