PlayerTrails introduces amazing trail effects left behind players locations if they have permission! Includes head tails which fire every 5 ticks and feet trails which fire when you move!
* 21 unique trails
* head trails which fire every 5 ticks
* feet trails which fire when you move
* per-world trails
* easy item menu to choose trail - /trail to set feet trail, /trail head to set head trail
* set players trails using command blocks! /trail (player) (type) or /trail head (player) (type). you can use @p or @r in the command block also, i have not tested @a.
* trail (type) - Sets your feet trail
* trail head (type) - Sets your head trail
* trail - Opens item menu to set feet trail
* trail head - Opens item menu to set head trail
* trail (player) (type) - Set another players feet trail
* trail head (player) (type) - Set another players head trail
* trail list - Shows you a list of the trails.
* trail help - Displays the help page.
* trail off - Turns your feet trail off
* trail head off - Turns your head trail off
Note - when using the item menu to pick your trail, if you choose a trail that requires an argument it will send you a message saying "=== Please Enter Arguments ==". You then just have to enter what argument you want, just say it no commands. so you could say for mob trail "slime" or "zombie".
* - Permission to turn off your trail
* - Permission to turn someone else's trail off
* - Permission for the help page
* trail.reload - Permission to reload config
* trail.list - Permission to list trails
* trail.other - Permission to set other players trails
* trail.(trailName) - Permission for the given trail name
* ONLY IF THE TRAIL TAKES ARGUMENTS - trail.(trailName).(arg) - Permission for the specific argument for the given trail
This plugin uses an updating api to automatically download updated from bukkitdev. the auto-updater page can be found: Here Auto-Updating can be turned off by opening the file "/plugins/updater/config.yml" and changing "disable: false" to "disable: true".
This plugin uses metrics to record data. If you wish to turn this off simply go to your plugins folder then into the PluginMetrics folder and then open the file config.yml and change opt-out: false to opt-out: true. Metrics is helpful to see stats about how your plugin is going, like how many servers are using it.
Examples of what data Metrics collects:
* Server Type / Version
* Java Version
* Minecraft Version
* Metrics version!
* Amount of players
* Operating system & version
* Auth mode
What data metrics does not collect:
* IPs
* Nicknames
Here is one of the graphs that metrics generates:
The source for playertrails can be found within the playertrails jar file.
Everything in this video still currently works however some new features have been added since its creation.
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The reload is broken FYI Also, do you mind telling me how I would add different trails per world through permissions. This is how I've currently got mine setup and it's not working
bubbles only work when you are in water
You should add "rain cloud" and "Lava Cloud" to the effects, it would put the DRIP_WATER and DRIP_LAVA effects above their heads, respectively. ( I have been looking at the source code and can't figure out how the hell this thing works at all...) Also, what does bubble effect look like?
if you have a plugin dev, he can use the api to accomplish this.
he can do it by:
firstly detecting combat
getting the UPlayer "PlayerTrailsApi.getUPlayer(Player player);"
then saving the players current trails "UPlayer.getHeadTrail(); UPlayer.getFeetTrail();"
then setting their trails to null "UPlayer.setHeadTrail(null); UPlayer.setFeetTrail(null);'"
then after combat is over setting their trails again "UPlayer.setHeadTrail(Trail headtrail); UPlayer.setFeetTrail(Trail feettrail);"
if you do not have a dev, if you request it in plugin requests someone may create it.
Could you add a way to disable the trails while in combat, then re-enable the same trail once they are out of combat?
Hopperminecart and that stuff does not work, just turns into bats. I want to have a trail of falling arrow entities :D lol... no good reason at all just think it would be pretty awesome.
/trail mob primedtnt
why cant you do that?
Edit: i will probably add this in the future as it isnt a big feature although would be useful.
You can already do that :) If you have Essentials installed, you can /spawnmob to see all the entities, use those names and you're all good!
you should support entity ids, so i can have a trail of primed tnt(not just mobs) following me. (/trail mob 10)
Ok, thnx, I'll put an annotation in the Video saying that.
maybe in the future, but this is not going to be added in the near future, sorry.
you actually have to type in the name of the block or mob for those 2. so when it asks you for the argument you could say "creeper" or "23" for block id.
Thanks! Added to the post.
Hey, I played this Plugin myself, and its Great! I created a Plugin review of this, check it out here-
What would you think about adding a way to set multiple trails at one time? (also has a separate permission)?
version 2.44 is out! which has support for more than 1 world trail.
sorry, the sounds are handled client side when you send them the packet. nothing i can do about it.
thanks very much!
it is a shame! i will try and find a fix if i can.
will be added in the next update!
Is it possible to add a /trail sound (on/off) option? This would be for when you are using the block trail option. I do not know if this is possible but that would be great! :) I'm loving the plugin and really appreciate how fast the fixes are coming out.
Nice plugin work perfectly !
Dang. I only host Modded Servers. That would of been an amazing Donation Perk.