PlayerTrails introduces amazing trail effects left behind players locations if they have permission! Includes head tails which fire every 5 ticks and feet trails which fire when you move!
* 21 unique trails
* head trails which fire every 5 ticks
* feet trails which fire when you move
* per-world trails
* easy item menu to choose trail - /trail to set feet trail, /trail head to set head trail
* set players trails using command blocks! /trail (player) (type) or /trail head (player) (type). you can use @p or @r in the command block also, i have not tested @a.
* trail (type) - Sets your feet trail
* trail head (type) - Sets your head trail
* trail - Opens item menu to set feet trail
* trail head - Opens item menu to set head trail
* trail (player) (type) - Set another players feet trail
* trail head (player) (type) - Set another players head trail
* trail list - Shows you a list of the trails.
* trail help - Displays the help page.
* trail off - Turns your feet trail off
* trail head off - Turns your head trail off
Note - when using the item menu to pick your trail, if you choose a trail that requires an argument it will send you a message saying "=== Please Enter Arguments ==". You then just have to enter what argument you want, just say it no commands. so you could say for mob trail "slime" or "zombie".
* - Permission to turn off your trail
* - Permission to turn someone else's trail off
* - Permission for the help page
* trail.reload - Permission to reload config
* trail.list - Permission to list trails
* trail.other - Permission to set other players trails
* trail.(trailName) - Permission for the given trail name
* ONLY IF THE TRAIL TAKES ARGUMENTS - trail.(trailName).(arg) - Permission for the specific argument for the given trail
This plugin uses an updating api to automatically download updated from bukkitdev. the auto-updater page can be found: Here Auto-Updating can be turned off by opening the file "/plugins/updater/config.yml" and changing "disable: false" to "disable: true".
This plugin uses metrics to record data. If you wish to turn this off simply go to your plugins folder then into the PluginMetrics folder and then open the file config.yml and change opt-out: false to opt-out: true. Metrics is helpful to see stats about how your plugin is going, like how many servers are using it.
Examples of what data Metrics collects:
* Server Type / Version
* Java Version
* Minecraft Version
* Metrics version!
* Amount of players
* Operating system & version
* Auth mode
What data metrics does not collect:
* IPs
* Nicknames
Here is one of the graphs that metrics generates:
The source for playertrails can be found within the playertrails jar file.
Everything in this video still currently works however some new features have been added since its creation.
English Review
German Tutorial
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You can download it before its approved by going to this link Link Removed . note that it has not been approved yet but i know that i haven't put anything malicious in there :D
np, thanks for making it!
Thanks :)
the permissions were just broken, it should be fixed now
i have released v2.41
thanks! :D
After you choose a mob, you have to Say the mob name, not do a command, so just say "pig" or whatever, also that is a glitch and i will get to work on it ASAP.
I will disable "/t" it in the next version.
thank you very much, i will add this to the page!
Here is a german Tutorial:
Please disable /t as a short command. I run a fairly large Towny server and /t = /town. Please make the trails disabled on default with clearer permissions like Adondriel said. This could be something great but right now I have to remove it.
I want to use this but I don't want all of my players to be able to use the entire thing by default... why would you make all of these command default to allow everyone to use them??? Please add clearer permissions because apparently negating them does not work at all... or the /trail menu system bypasses the permissions. I m not sure but i really like the look of this plugin but it is currently unusable because the permissions seem broken and you can occasionally get stuck in mob selection mode where no matter what you do it keeps trying to make you choose a monster.
This plugin is amazing. Great job :D
If anyone has any screenshots of trails in action, in groups or by yourself, i would love to have them as i will be making a gallery of them all!
1 step ahead of you :D in the new version which is currently waiting to be approved going /trail will open a menu to set your feet trail and going /trail head will open a menu to set your head trail. then if the trail requires arguments it will ask you to say the args in chat.
Hey !
Do you think it would be possible to have a Trail Selection Tool ? Eg /trail tool will give you a watch/compass/fire/whatever, and on right-click it opens up a chest menu that displays all the trails you can use (you have the permission to us) ? :)
thanks for the reply :D
firstly, that would be a really cool introduction and i will look into adding it in the next update.
secondly, they should be able to see it, theres no reason they shouldnt D:
Awesome plugin. Would be perfect if you could get this to work with command blocks...
ex: /trail @p ember
Note: Other players cannot see the Portal effect when used on the head. /trail head portal
thanks so much! :D
I was going to make this, but you did so much more than I thought that was capable, I won't make it anymore, and use this amazing plugin now.
the new version is not out yet
just wait! xD
its version 2.3 which is going to come out
You may have downloaded the broken version which i accidently uploaded.
I am using the current version and 90% of the trails still dont work :/
turns out it was a compiling error of the jar, i have fixed it now though.