Installation & Configuration

Installation & Configuration

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the PlayerReporter.jar version for the supported version of your server.
  2. Put the PlayerReporter.jar file in your plugins folder in the server directory
  3. (Only if Updating) Delete or reload the config file and any other files that need to be changed! Or the plugin will break!
  5. After your server has started back up navigate to the PlayerReporter folder in the plugin folder in the server directory
  6. Edit the config to your desired settings
  7. Finally restart your server for the changes to take effect

Config File

Notes added in manually, not in actual config.
Config displayed is for the newest version of plugin.
Config for "PlayerReporter Version 3.0.0"

#These are for the plugin. Changing or deleting it will break it.
DO NOT DELETE: PlayerReporter is developed and managed by Shades161
Config Version: '2.0'
#True or false if you want the plugin to check for updates. (Suggested as true, so you can make sure to stay up to date)
Check for Updates: 'False'
#If true, when a report is closed, it will be deleted from the reports.yml file.
Delete closed reports: 'False'
#If true, when a bug report is closed, it will be deleted from the bugs.yml file.
Delete closed bugs: 'False'
#If true, a player can report someone whether or not they are online. (Suggested as false)
Allow Offline Reports: 'True'
#If true, this will log player names so that spam and false claims will be avoided if the player has never been on the server(Suggested as true)
Track Joins: 'True'
#Settings for message notifications.
#If true, when a player uses a command and does not have permission to, it will tell them no permission.
  Perm: 'True'
#If true it will message a player (with the permission) if there is an update for PlayerReporter upon join.
  Update: 'True'
#If true, when a player files a report, it will notify all player (with the permission) that a new report has been made.
  NewReport: 'True'
#If true, when a player files a bug report, it will notify all player (with the permission) that a new bug report has been made.
  NewBug: 'True'

Reports.yml & Bugs.yml

This is the file where all reports are saved to, it is not recommended that you edit anything in here unless you need to/know exactly what you are doing, as the plugin relies on multiple files for info, and if one changes without the other, it can cause errors.
Notes added in manually

The bugs.yml file is set up exactly the same as the reports.yml

#This is for the plugin, do not change or it will break
DO NOT DELETE: PlayerReporter is developed and managed by Shades161
Reports Version: '1.0'
#This with autogenerate when a report is made. This is easy to read and will be displayed, with more info, when issuing /report see <Id>
    Reporter: NepetaLeijonAC
    Player reported: Shades161
    Reason: cheating
    Date: 02-06-2015 16:45:33
    Claimed: 'False'
    Assigned to: n/a
    Closed: 'False'

ReportData.yml & BugData.yml

This is the file where all report metadata is saved to, it is not recommended that you edit anything in here unless you need to/know exactly what you are doing, as the plugin relies on multiple files for info, and if one changes without the other, it can cause errors.
The bugdata.yml is set up exactly the same as reportdata.yml minus the player name list.
Notes added in manually

#This is for the plugin, do not change or it will break
DO NOT DELETE: PlayerReporter is developed and managed by Shades161
ReportData Version: '1.0'
#This is the Id for the next report to be filed. This is done in numerical order to prevent accidentally overwriting another report.
NextId: 1
Unclaimed Number: 0
#More info is generated below when reports are made/claimed.