Setting up your Files

An Overview

This page details how to setup your different configuration files.
Note: This page is written for PlayerChat v1.3.1


The config.yml is the most complex configuration file due to it's unorthodox nature. Anything that could not fit in another file is basically placed here.

A Default Configuration File

  Enabled: true
  Format: '&8[AdminChat]&b <displayname>&4:&r <message>'
  Enabled: true
  Format: '&8[ModChat]&b <name>&7: &r<message>'
  Enabled: true
  Channel-on-Join: 'default'
Prefix: '&5[PlayerChat]'
Update-Notifications: true

Configuring the Admin Chat

The Admin Chat has two configurable settings: An enabling and formatting feature.

  Enabled: true
  Format: '&8[AdminChat]&b <displayname>&4:&r <message>'

Enabled is referred to as a boolean value. This means it is either true or false. The Format is tricky:

  • It must be enclosed by single quotation marks;
  • You may use hex color codes ('&' symbols)
  • There are certain tags you may use:
<message> is replaced with the chat message;
<name> is replaced with the player name; 
<displayname> is replaced with the player's nickname.

Configuring the Mod Chat

Setting up the ModChat is exactly the same as the admin chat.

Configuring basic Channel Settings

You can configure basic channel settings, where as per-channel settings are in the channels.yml

  Enabled: true
  Channel-on-Join: 'default'

You can enable or disable all custom channels as a boolean value.
The channel must be enclosed in single quotations and has to exist in the channels.yml

Setting the PlayerChat Prefix

This is your custom prefix for almost all PlayerChat messages sent out. You may use hex codes and the prefix must be enclosed in single quotes

Prefix: '&5[PlayerChat]'

Toggling Update Notifications

Everytime I roll out a new update, there is an option where you can receive a notification in-game. This is in the form of a message sent to anyone with permission playerchat.mod. You can enable or disable this feature as a boolean value.

Update-Notifications: true

Bugs with the Config.yml

It's easy to make mistakes in the config.yml, which will cause errors with your plugin. Make sure you space properly. Do NOT use tabs or YAML will throw errors. You can use a YAML parser to check for mistakes.


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