Player Detonator


Player detonator is a plugin about players exploding! Want an alternative to /slay? Make them explode! Want to make a group explode? Make everyone hit by an explosion also explode! There is even an item players can craft that lets them make themselves explode!

Permissions: (Version 1.3.1+ only, for version 1.1.0 ops get every command, and non-ops get none)

  • PlayerDetonator.cancraft - Player can craft the Self Detonator item.
  • PlayerDetonator.detonate - Player can use "/pd detonate"
  • PlayerDetonator.chaindetonate - Player can use "/pd chaindetonate" and "/pd chainkill"
  • PlayerDetonator.power - Player can use "/pd power"
  • - Player can use "/pd safe" and /pd safelist"
  • OPs can do everything without permissions.

Configuration: (Version 1.3.1+ only)

  • Safeguard, preventing any detonate commands from working if the power is above a configurable amount. Default, 30 for detonate and 15 for chaindetonate.
  • Full customization over the self detonator item.


  • /pd power [number] - Changes explosive power (default 7).
  • /pd detonate [player] - Causes the player to explode.
  • /pd chainDetonate [player] - Causes the player to explode. Any players hit by the explosion also explode.
  • /pd chainKill [player] - Kills the target, chaining to any targets within range (defined by power).
  • /pd safe [player] - Enable/disable immunity to chaining effects for the player. Targets you if left blank.
  • /pd safelist - Lists all players currently safe.
  • /pd help - Shows these commands.

Self Detonator item: (Version 1.3.1+ only)

  • Above image shows the default self detonator item being crafted.
  • Right click with this item to blow yourself up! Item consumed on use!
  • The enchantment by default is only there to give the glow, making the item distinguishable!
  • Everything about it is configurable, name, enchantment (if any), what item it is, crafting recipe, and the power of it's explosion!
  • By default it has an explosive power of 4 (same as tnt), a direct hit with this can bring someone in diamond armor to their knees!


  • You could change the materials needed to craft the self detonator to say diamond blocks, nether stars, and an ender dragon egg and then set the self detonate power to something like 25 making the self detonator an extremely hard to get item that's able to nuke an area, wiping it of all life! (version 1.3.1+ only)
  • You can kill everyone in a specific world by setting the power high enough (say 4000 if the world borders are 2000x2000) and using chain kill on a player in that world. As using a detonate command with this power will crash the server, it is best if you set the power back down afterwards.
  • You can press Tab when you have part of a players name typed in to fill in the rest. EG: turk + tab = Turkeybag

Todo list in order:

  • Allow players to fuse their armor with the self detonator (for xp), causing them to explode upon death rather than on use (will be configurable).
  • Make a craft-able potion that turns the drinker into a creeper, making their only means of attack to explode, with the options of using a chainDetonate explosion instead! (will be configurable).


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 4, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 18, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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