PlayerAssist - Run your server with ease!

This project is inactive and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. The author may have abandoned it, or it may have outlived its usefulness.

This plugin is a plugin that I developed for admins and players alike. It provides ease of access for some basic admin roles and commands, and it also has some stuff for players.

Will be updating mainly on Spigot now! Check out the link:

Now called ByteAssist on Spigot

API Tutorial

Download JavaDocs
This will download a zip file called "docs" with html files inside it. Just run the index.html, and it you can browse the javadocs in your web browser!

When you type in the command, it will open a gui with different colored Wool blocks. When you click those wool blocks, they will trigger different events or commands that you could use to make your minecraft life easier. The intended use is that, when I get more commands added into the plugin, you can use this GUI to help you do basic things instead of having to open the chat every time. I marked it under "Miscellaneous" because it's intended to be an ease of access plugin, so it could have things from every single category in the future.

To Do

  • Add API (Implemented, look at Javadocs)
  • Add Warps (Will be added at a later time)
  • Add Time toggle (Added)
  • Add Rain toggle (Added)
  • Add Player List

How do I use the GUI?

It's quite simple: Just type in "/pcgui <player name>". The player name is required because some of the commands require a name to continue, so type your friend's name there, or someone you're talking to. The commands below say if they require a player name or not, but that means that they require a player name to run. The main command, /pcgui, always requires a player name, no matter what.

List of commands:

For admins:
  • Ban (Requires Player Name)
  • Kick (Requires Player Name)
  • Message (Requires Player Name)
  • Stop Server (Doesn't Require Player Name)
  • Reload Server (Doesn't Require Player Name)
  • Op Player (Requires Player Name)
  • Deop Player (Requires Player Name)
  • Change Gamemode (Doesn't Require Player Name)
  • Day & Night toggle (Doesn't Require Player Name)
  • Rain toggle (Doesn't Require Player Name)
For Players:
  • Message (Requires Player Name)
  • Spawn (Doesn't Require Player Name)
  • Sethome (Doesn't Require Player Name)
  • Go Home (Doesn't Require Player Name)

An unintentional, but cool feature, is that the messages are hidden. It sends the messages through bukkit, but I formatted them to look like essential messages. No admins will be seeing your private message. Bukkit can't even log the messages. This is easily changeable in the code, for all you admins that don't like this.

Are there any permissions I need to know about?

Actually, yes! In order for the admin to use his/her admin GUI, he/she has to be an OP, or have the permission "pcgui.admin". I might add permissions for players later, but right now they are VERY limited on what they can do (Sadly) so I can't say they need them.

There is also a permission for the player to hear update messages if there is an update: "pcgui.canHearUpdate". This permission will announce to the player every time there is an update.

The commands are slightly limited. I want more!

Relax, I am always willing to implement commands you guys want! Just tell me the command, and I will add the button to the menu. I might add a config, but that will be extremely hard, considering what I just went through to get this working. It's probably bigger than it needs to be, but that's so I can easily change stuff, and pin-point problems.

It's an inventory manipulation plugin, in a sense. Is it buggy?

I tried to make sure that it isn't, in any way, buggy. But, if you do come across an error, send me a ticket with the FULL error log inside it. The errors may look intimidating, but that's because they are descriptive. Don't worry about your server if you do see one of these errors. :)

Updater Documentation

The updater uses a class file created by Gravity_low, which is the official updater on the bukkit guidelines page. To make sure that this is secure, and works well with this plugin, it does a few things:

  1. Opens a connection to Curseforge is used here because bukkit hooks into curse, so curse has direct access to these files.
  2. If the connection is successful, the API returns a JSON string that includes some information, including the file ID, and the download link. The plugin automatically downloads the update to a folder
  3. If the download is a zip, the plugin will automatically unzip it at your convenience!

Now if you don't want this, there is an easy way to disable this:

  • Just go into the "plugins/Player Controls GUI" folder, and in the config, there is an option to disable the updater. Just type "false" instead of "true". Now, if this isn't working for you, there is another folder called "Updater". Go into there and change "disabled" to false if it's set to true. This folder is created by the updater class itself.

NOTE: Any updates that are downloaded will be stored in a "update" folder. :)

May I see some screenshots or a video?


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 24, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 24, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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