version 0.7
Jump higher on the piston!
- Very easy to use!
- Support sideways piston!
- Support Permission!
- Support launch Blocks!
- Support entities (any mobs, items etc)!
Planned updates:
- Avoid falling damage when use piston.
Please give me ideas!
- Put the pistonjump.jar into your plugin folder and reload/restart your server.
- Open config.yml and make any changes you want, then use "/pistonjump reload" command.
- pistonjump.jump
Allow jumping higher on the pistons! (default: op) - pistonjump.reload
Allow reloading configuration file! (default: op) - pistonjump.placesign
Allow placing the PistonJump sign to change power! (default: op)
- /pistonjump reload
To reload config.yml (permission: pistonjump.reload)
How to change jumping power?:
- Place the following sign under the piston! (need "pistonjump.placesign" permission)
Line1: [PistonJump] (case insensitive)
Line2: 0.0 - 8.0 (The power that you want to set to upper piston)
- Note: If it set to 0.0, upper piston is disabled!
Demo Videos:
To see demo (version 0.3) video click here! Made by @colony88, thanks to him!
Bugs and Feature Requests:
Use the Tickets tab to submit any bug reports or feature requests.
Or Post them in this thread.
@Mavhill yes the bug is still there. but it stoll works on new 1.5 minecraft. would be awesome if there was a fix for the sticky pistons as all my secret doors are broke with this mod. but almost willing to deal wit it. but please update/bugfix
Would like to see ability for pistons to auto trigger if you walk/run on them. Thanks!
little bug affecting all sticky pistons: any block pushed by a sticky gets destoryed and hurled through the air as if it were a jump piston.
kk, I'll do.
Could you convert the Japanese comments in the source to english? Please and thank you?
PistonJump has been added any entities support!
I waiting approval for pistonjump ver0.6!
I agree and want this feature as well. Please add it to effect entities like items mobs tnt and etc.
Very cool plugin. Also, for people getting spammed in the console with "Moved Too Quickly", there's no way to fix this as it is a Bukkit warning they added. The Bukkit team added a NoCheat flying / speed check into the .jar itself, so unless you re-code the .jar, this is something you'll have to live with.
On a side note, do you think you'd be able to add the ability to launch entities such as animals / hostile mobs with these? I have an entertaining idea that involves this. >:D
PistonJump has been added way to launch any Blocks (Sand, Gravel.. etc)!
I waiting approval for pistonjump ver0.5!
umm, Please try the latest (v0.5) version.
Indeed, this plugin may cause a little cpu use.
people lagg when they jump...is it normal?
Wooooot ! Nice ! Nice ! Nice ! Many thanks for this feature :) ! One more thing, can you add the possibility of launching entity too ? I like lauch mob in the air xD And launching sand/gravel is cool too ;)
try "allow-flight=true" on server.properties file
I using the bukkit 1.3.1 R1.0, it said i using fly hack when i piston jump.....
I hope the plugin will solve this problem....
PistonJump has been added customizable jump power feature! I waiting approval for pistonjump ver0.4!
thanks :D
Nice, same as morephysics, but i wait the sign feature to use this plugin for good ;) MMhh... Sign who configure power of jump... Can't wait !
Good idea ! I will keep an eye on this project ! Nice done :)
sorry, I fixed ticket page.
Could you file the your issue again?
I'll try to fix that.
I was going to open a ticket but I don't have access to that page. How many times do any of you need to click usually before a successful launch? I have to usually try the piston five or six times before it works. I thought it might be NoCheatPlus causing this but I tested uninstalled NoCheatPlus to test it and it still takes a few tries before it works. It seems like it tries to launch me but then it yanks me back into place before I am able to fully launch.