Hey guys
I'm working on a Plugin which is better than Ping-Pong. It works with miliseconds! This plugin is very lightweight! The final reply will give you : Your Ping is: *ms
- Download a version (Latest version is recommended)
- Install PingReply.jar to your plugins folder
- Run/Restart your Server.
- Enjoy!
- /ping
- /ping <Playername>
- /pingreload
- ""
- ""
- ""
Im planing to add many more Features to this in the Future!
Note: It overrides the /ping from other Plugins.
Hi tschagg!Before I get to my problem: first of all, thanks so much for the excellent and very efficacious plugin: it's perfectly simple, and (until recently) worked/works perfectly fine. Thanks for all yer hard work; it's appreciated.
I know this may be a little bit too much to ask, but I can';t help but wondering how, in a plugin this simple, my adoption of 1.5.1 seems to have broken it... Is this due to some other conflicting plugin, or does 1.5.1 just really break things as simple as the methods to get one's ping? I'm really hoping that it's some sort of conflicting plugin (so i can fix it on my end), but I had to ask. Is 1.5.1 really THAT unstable?
Regardless, thanks so much, and I hope to get pingreply back up and running (and torturing those who complain of lag by making them get their own pings) soon.
PS: here's a snippet of the error i'm getting (but I doubt you need it): 1.5.1 pingreply 1.2.1, blah; just curious as to how ugly it might be to actually write plugins for 1.5.x Thanks again!
i wont add high ping kicks to that plugin, bcause thats completly senseless... but that pinglist idea is interessting :-)
I had to remove PingTester cause it was erroring constantly on my console and didn't work on 1.5. If you added the kick feature to this i would switch to this without a second thought.
Wow, that is a great idea. I would love that so I wont' have people lagging around when Pvp'ing!
Pingtester has this abillity, where you can set the config to kick above specifyed amount. Problem is, they are not updating, and there is no option for making a ticket there.
So maybe we can get this option for adjustable ping amount with result kick?
You know you're asking if someone has a ping greater than 0.5 seconds kick them, right?
You know what would be really cool! Make a feature called "Ping kick". If a player logs in with a ping off greater than 500ms it will automatically kick them. I have a populated server and I'm really sick of players yelling "lllaaaagggg!!!!" when it is complety 100% their internet.
This is perfect. I have always been looking for a plugin that would do this.
And if i may: a suggestion
A command that pings all players and generates a list of everyone's pings? I know that if i have multiple players on the server with an insanely high ping it will lag everyone else, so it would make it easier than finding it by trying each user.
A list like:
Player1: 58 Player2: 94 Player3: 14 Player4: 185 Player5: 8 Player6: 950
it isnt compartible with 1.5 yet, i'll fix it soon
Hey I love your plugin but since the 1.5 bukkit update I've been having issues using it, here's the error that it prints out to console.
Cool! Thanks!
Download rTriggers and copy and paste this into the file:
For example, say you were using iConomy:
Can u add so that people earn $1 when they type it? It would be really cool! :D
Would be great if you add a configuration file to costumize messages. I would like to translate the messages to my language.
Console commands are added. Awaiting Approval.
Hi. great plugin. It's really useful.
Btw, can you make this available in server console too? In the actual game, PingReply does override Essentials' ping command, but not in the console.
Thanks again for the nice plugin :)
Thanks :p, and possibly to ignore any extraneous amounts (say for example server lags and gives a result of 1000 when the rest are all around 100), maybe if they're 50-70 higher than the medium.
PS: What does it mean if you ping another player and it says their ping is 0? Lol.
this is a good idea :)
Can you add a feature where it pings the server multiple times to give an average ping (if it is not overly resource intensive)? Also allowing server admins to configure how many times /ping will ping the server. Also, would you mind adding ms after the ping number, I like units of measurement :D?
This would ping the server 10 times when a player types /ping then display the average ping to the player.
For example, a player types /ping with numberOfPings set to 10:
First ping is 5
Second ping is 9
Third ping is 8
Fourth ping is 4
Fifth ping is 7
Sixth ping is 9
Seventh ping is 11
Eighth ping is 5
Ninth ping is 9
Tenth ping is 10
Average all of these (5+9+8+4+7+9+11+5+9+10)/10=7.7
Display: "[ping] Your ping is 8ms"
idk how minecraft cheats are workin, never used it or saw ppl